Chapter Seventeen

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"So, what stories did my mother humiliate me with?" Jesse finally asked when they got home.

He had avoided being near Summer as much as he could for the rest of the barbeque and they barely spoke in the car.

"Oh, nothing," Summer answered. She smiled as she remembered the great kisser story. She sat down on the floor and turned on the t.v.

He sat on the couch behind her and laid down on the pillow. He groaned. "Never mind, I don't want to know," he said, putting his arm under his head.

"That okay?" Summer asked, gesturing to the movie that was playing.

"Yeah, fine, whatever," he answered. He just wanted to be near Summer. He didn't care what was on tv.

Jesse watched her watching the movie. Her lips would sometimes form a smile at what was being said. He studied her hair which was cascading with curls. He wondered what made her wear it down the rest of the day. He'd only seen her with it down at night, when she was going to bed.

Summer lifted a hand and massaged one of her sore shoulders. The week of planting flowers made her muscles ache. The day of playing volleyball and racing Jesse swimming didn't help them. She winced in pain as she crossed over a very sore spot.

She felt Jesse slide down off the couch and squeeze his body between the small space between her back and the couch.

"What are you doing?" Summer asked nervously and moved a bit further up to give him room.

Jesse's legs came up on either side of her. She felt him brush her hair across her shoulders to one side. Summer closed her eyes as his hands touched her shoulders and began to gently rub them. She groaned in relief that it gave.

"Let me know if I do it too hard," Jesse said quietly, his breath tickling her neck.

Summer sighed. Her eyes still shut, enjoying his massage. "It's great. Thank you."

"No problem." He moved his hands down to her shoulder blades.

"I think you chose the wrong career," Summer said between groans.

"Oh, yeah?" his mouth twitched in amusement.

"Mmmm-hmmm, you should have been a masseuse."

He chuckled. "Did my mom tell you what I did freshman year of high school?"

"No. What?"

"Well, my sisters started it all. They forced me to rub their backs. They were all in sports and were always sore. So, they made their baby brother give them a back rub. Anyways, they started asking me to give massages to their teammates. It got kind of crazy because everyone kept coming to our house for me to give them a massage. So, I started charging."

Summer laughed.

"Well, it was better than mowing lawns, right?" he said in defense.

"Sure," she grinned, imagining a young freshman Jesse able to obtain all teenage boys' dreams of massaging senior girls.

"Anyway, my mom eventually caught on to what was going on and made it stop. I made a good amount of money though."

"She didn't make you give it back?"

Jesse laughed. "She tried, but Dad convinced her it was for honest services rendered."

"And you pursued building instead?" Summer asked, looking for something else to talk about to distract her from the incredible sensations that were traveling through her body as he massaged her with gentle but firm caresses.

"Yeah, well. I'd been doing that all my life. My dad, and my grandfather, were always in the business. They taught all of us kids. Colt, Jordan and I were the only ones that really got into it though. She stays more on the business side of things nowadays, since she's got the kids. And Colt has his own business. He just helps us out on the side." His hands slid down to her arms.

Summer held back a gasp at the sensations of skin against skin. "Did you go to college?"

Jesse cleared his throat. "Yeah, went to UC. I got a business management degree. I don't use it much though. Like I said, Jordan handles all the business stuff for us. I like working with my hands better."

Those hands of his had slid back up to her shoulders. Summer leaned back against him her, body completely relaxed. Her head rested against his shoulder. She was too tired and too relaxed to be embarrassed about doing so. His warm body felt incredible. Jesse took her left hand and massaged it.

"How'd you learn to make lasagna?"

"My mom. Dad taught us to use the saw, mom taught us the oven."

"Remind me to thank your mom."

Jesse grinned. "You like my cooking?"

"Like is an understatement."

"Thank you," he said softly in her ear.

"No one's ever said that before?" she asked, turning her head slightly. Their cheeks brushed against each other and Jesse shifted so they came apart.

"Oh, Dana says she likes my cooking, but you know, it's not the same when it comes from family. Different when someone else says it."

Jesse continued massaging her arms ever so softly. They quieted and Summer closed her eyes as she allowed her body to sink into his. If there was a heaven this was it, she thought sleepily.

"Summer?" she heard him say softly.


"Maybe we should get to bed," his sexy voice had deepened.

"Yeah," she answered not moving. It felt too good in his arms to move.

He chuckled and rubbed her arms. Jesse was enjoying having her body pressed against his, but it was a dangerous place to be.

"Come on, sleepy head," he said and started to slowly stroke Summer's incredibly soft silky hair with his fingers. It was too beautiful to resist.

"You keep doing that and I'll never get up," she answered after a minute.

"I like your hair down," Jesse said quietly. He continued to run his fingers through her hair.

"Thanks. I like your animals," Summer answered sleepily.

"My animals?" he asked frowning.

"On Anna's crib," she yawning.

"Oh," he chuckled. Those animals. Thanks," he said with an appreciative smile. Jesse didn't know who in his family had squealed, but he was kind of happy to share that little secret talent of his with her.

"Why don't you make furniture for a living instead of building houses?"

"Doesn't pay the bills as well," he answered with a shrug

"Oh, you could!" Summer protested, sitting up, "You're really good," she turned to look at him. He saw the honesty in her face, her sleepy eyes.

"Thanks," he said, touching her cheek. Jesse's eyes locked with hers. He shook his head to clear it. He forced himself to get up, which was the most difficult thing in his life he ever had to do.

"Goodnight," Summer called as she watched Jesse leave the room and head down the hall.

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