Chapter Three

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Summer and Dana sat in a wooden booth at a wooden table in a cozy little restaurant on a large hill overlooking the ocean. It was a charming beach shack. A pimple faced high school aged boy approached them, blushing, "What can I get you beautiful ladies today?"

Summer requested lemonade.

Dana lifted her eyes from the window. "I'll take a Coke. And we have another friend coming. He'll want a Sam Adams."

"I'll need to see his I.D."

Dana rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She and her friends were at least ten years older than this kid. She turned to Summer. "So..."

"I'm so glad we got at least two days before you have to leave."

Dana grinned. "Me too!" Summer yawned in response. "You doing okay?" Her eyes squinted in concern.

Summer nodded. "Sorry. Bit jet lagged."

"When we get back, you can take a nap."

Dana nodded at the waiter as he brought them their drinks.

"I couldn't do that! We don't have much time together," Summer exclaimed, and then laughed as another yawn came on.

"It's no problem. I have some last minute things to do. You can nap, I can take care of it, and when you wake up we can talk all night." Dana toasted her with her glass.

Jesse slid onto the bench next to Dana a little while later. "Ladies."

Dana grabbed him by the face and squeezed affectionately. "See! I told you he cleaned up nice," Dana said kissing his cheek with a loud smack. "Smells better too," she added and patted his face fondly.

"Ow," Jesse grumbled and rubbed his freshly shaved jaw, as Dana released him. He flashed Summer a smile. Summer couldn't help but stare. He definitely was the same person, but was incredibly sexy in a whole other way. Jesse had changed into a black tee shirt which only made his blonde hair, light eyes, and sun-tanned skin stand out more. He looked like he was out of a fashion magazine.

Jesse slid a red rose wrapped in plastic under Dana."And I was going to give you this."

"Aw, how sweet," Dana cooed, lifting it to her nose, and smelled it.

"A farewell gift," he said with a shrug. Jesse slid a yellow rose in front of Summer. "And welcome to you."

"Wow! Thank you, Jesse!" Summer exclaimed in surprise and took the flower from him.

"I told you. Boy Scout." Dana grinned at Summer and gave Jesse another kiss on the cheek.

"I guess you don't want this either," Jesse told her, bringing out what was under the table. He twirled a piece of gold around his index finger. Dana grabbed it, giggled, and set it on her head. It was a small princess crown.

"You. Are. Awesome!" Dana was jumping up in down in her seat like she'd had too much caffeine.

"I know." Jesse smiled in satisfaction. He leaned back against the booth and crossed his arms against his chest, pleased with himself.

An older waiter brought Jesse a bottle of beer. He picked it up and took a swig, "Thanks, man."

"Sorry, Summer. I should explain," Dana told her, setting her rose down and leaned forward towards her. "On birthdays, special occasions or basically when we're in a great mood, we give a crown to the other person, and that person gets three wishes. Anything they want."

Jesse pouted."Well... almost anything."

Dana rolled her eyes. "Sorry, I can't afford a yacht."

Jesse took another drink."Well, when you get that big promotion, don't forget your friends."

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