ONE | spilt coffee

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How can anyone survive six whole years of high school? Six years? Would there even be enough brain cells left for the rest of one's life? Especially since everyone seemed to be wasting what they do have on long lectures from boring, monotonous teachers.

Detention was better.

Taehyung loved detention.
It was a place where he could think without being distracted, sleep without being disturbed, relax without being scolded at.

He didn't purposefully try to receive detention of course. Maybe once a week or maybe two. He hardly succeeded however - no teacher gave in to his bait.

Yet today, after eleven detention-less afternoons, Taehyung had managed to secure himself a position in the library. There were only a couple of other students and even then, those were the slackers.

Taehyung prided himself on not being a slacker.
Assignments were always handed in on time, essays written to utmost perfection and he even contributed in classes. The epitome of a non-slacker.

So you can see why teachers weren't exactly willing to give their perfect student a detention.

Taehyung watched the doorway, waiting for more students to trickle in. More precisely, one person. His heart skipped a beat when his eyes landed on the familiar raven hair.

"Alright, listen up!"
Taehyung turned his head to the professor who was the hosting detention this fine afternoon.
"For those who don't know me, I'm Mr Ong. I generally teach Mathematics but today, I'll be teaching you brats a lesson on how to behave properly."

Taehyung winced. How it killed him to have to do Mathematics - he had even heard a couple of people talk about how it was their chosen future career. To be honest, why anyone would willingly submit themselves to a lifetime of torturous number crunching and advanced operations was beyond him.

The teacher's voice was nasally and incredibly irritating and so, Taehyung positioned himself to be able to see the boy behind Mr Ong with clarity.

Jeon Jungkook was the most beautiful person Taehyung had ever seen. He had everything that anyone could possibly want but one. Taehyung failed to understand how a beautiful human like Jeon Jungkook had no personality.

True, he was judging the boy's entire character based on one encounter but it was bad enough to remind Taehyung for a lifetime.

All he had done was accidentally spill his daily coffee on Jungkook one fine spring day. A brown stain had seeped into the white shirt, the material sticking to the younger's body. Taehyung remembered being fascinated by the outline of Jungkook's abs through the fabric.

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