THIRTY | this is goodbye

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The month that followed counted down the days, hours, minutes to summer. In that period of time, other than the briefest glimpses in the hallways, Jungkook hardly saw Taehyung at all. Despite the heavy burden of exam season weighing on Jungkook's mind, it did little to quench the consistent yearning for Taehyung's presence.

It was already as if any relation between them that hung by the thinnest thread had been snipped — which, of course, was the idea. They were now strangers to one another, no matter their history. It was a fact that Jungkook was forced to accept much more prematurely than he had anticipated.

As time passed, days blended into one another to Jungkook, each as tedious as the next with no change in routine. Revision was superseded by an assessment, and the process repeated. There were no solid distractions to keep him from thinking about a certain boxy-smile when work turned boring.

Even worse, loneliness had finally managed to creep back into his life after so long, a black cloud of insecurity that left his energy in mere dregs. He hadn't felt the emotion this intensely since Junghyun's death. It was only the daily visits to Jin's Worldwide Cuisine to converse with his hyung and the conversations with Hoseok that kept him going.

Since the confrontation in his apartment, Jimin had been out of the picture. They hadn't spoken, though whenever they passed in the hallways, Jungkook couldn't help a pang of nostalgia. It was painful to lose his best friend, no matter how wrongly they've behaved together. Yet Jimin had always been sensitive about Jihyun. There was going to be no patching up from the other's side — not unless Jungkook made the first move.

Yet truth be told, this seemed like exactly what he needed. A break to get his affairs in order, to take a step back from all that had happened and simply prioritise himself. There was going to be no more catering to Jimin's wishes or playing a personality that wasn't truly him. For now, he'd try his best to focus on his academics and then, work on himself as a person.

What happened to Taehyung due to him was not something he ever wished to repeat — the issue was not that he accepted such a derogatory bet but the fact that he hadn't considered it as an incredibly inhumane thing to do. It was an aspect of his own character that needed to be fixed.

The day of Jungkook's final examination coincided with the last day of school for the senior year. After today, the oldest pupils would be free to celebrate their summer as official graduates while the remainder of the student body will be left behind for another three weeks.

Jungkook was not looking forward to it. Even as he walked out of the exam hall with a lighter heart, he couldn't shake the disappointment the day brought with it. Taehyung would no longer remain in school from now onwards. Like he had said before, he was going to leave Seoul, the approximate timeframe unknown.

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