'Please take care of my kids Naina... ' she said with tears in her eyes

Naina was angry on her ofcourse, but didn't show it, because everyone was mean to her after discovering, her secret pregnancy and the child's father was not Jai, but Prateek...

'Don't worry about them... ' Naina held her hands

'You take care of yourself and the baby... ' Naina smiled and Arjun, his brothers took a deep breath, while Jai, fisted his hands...

Aayan too looked away in disgust, trying to control his anger, and then sees his younger self, starting at them confused

Priyanka turns towards Nitaara who was angry
'Princess will you take care of yourself and Aayan, and be a good girl...?' she asked and Nitaara glared at her

'I am not your princess, I'm my father's princess...' she shouts and runs towards Jai, leaving Arjun's arms

Priyanka sighed and Prateek looked Nitaara disgusted, but didn't comment anything because, if he says something now, he will land into trouble...

Older Aayan who saw this expression on Pratik's face, wanted to punch him right there...

Priyanka walks to Aayan, keeping a hand on her visible Baby bump and caressed his hair

'Will you be a good boy..?' She asks

'Where are you going...?' Aayan asks teary eyed

'I cannot live with you now Aayan, please understand, I am sorry... ' Priyanka cried caressing his face

'Take me with you then... ' Aayan said tears rolling down his eyes, looking at her hopefully and Older Aayan too did the same

'I am sorry beta... I cannot... ' Priyanka cries

'Don't go with this bad man... ' Aayan said pointing at Prateek, who glared at him, but didn't say anything, as Arjun and Mr. Thapar were already giving him a warning look and seeing them, he composed his expressions

'Don't say like this beta, he is your Mumma's friend... ' Naina says to Aayan

'I am his Father Mrs. Thapar, soon to be father... ' Prateek corrected her

Older Aayan got terrified at this and looked at his own father, who fisted his hands, and then looked at Prateek and younger Aayan, trying to find similarities

'If I were you, I would keep my mouth shut, Mr. Singhal... ' Adi warns him

Mumma...! Please don't go...?' 7 year old Aayan cries, and older Aayan wipes his tears too

'I am so sorry Aayan, I cannot live with you guys... ' Priyanka caresses his face

Jai who was standing in the other corner of the room, was dangerously quiet, He was super angry, but for his children's sake, he was not saying anythingNitaara  started sobbing holding her father's hands...

'But why ?' Aayan sobs

'I cannot explain this to you my baby... But always remember, Mumma loves you and Nitaara so much....' Priyanka kisses his cheeks

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