The Bath

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Velvet's eyes sprung to life.

His body shakes uncontrollably in the bath.

Water splashes everywhere.

The sickening after-effect of the Dimensia8 pill surges through his brain.

His blinking eyes adjust to the reality of the present.

The bathroom at 42 Windermere Lane slowly comes into focus.

Teddy is waiting with a cup of honey infused tea.

"How long have I been gone?" Velvet asked in a croaky voice.

"Two days." Teddy replies handing the cup of tea to Velvet.

Velvet drinks the warm tea.

The sweetness helping calm the violent trembling and shaking.

"Where's Lucy?"

Teddy rubs his tiny paws together.

"It's past midnight. She had to go to work at Peeping Toms. It was my turn to keep an eye on you. What did you see?"

Velvet hands the empty teacup back to Teddy and climbs out of the bath.

He reaches for the striped towel hanging on the rack and wraps it around his narrow waist.

"What I saw were questions disguised as answers. The truth, I'm afraid, can only be revealed by death."

"Death?" Teddy asks, trying not to show the fear creeping through his furry body.

"Yes, it's time to talk to Sophia."


Velvet pokes the glowing coals.

Sending shadows dancing across the walls of his study.

Like crazy cats chasing butterflies with frantic paws.

His hand are finally steady.

Now that the hideous after-effects of the Dimensia8 pill has finally worn off.

He is dressed in a marmalade orange, corduroy suit, pink shirt and a lime green tie.

Velvet walks away from the fire.

His collection of antique clocks on the mantlepiece all chimed in unison.

Reminding him that it's 3am in the morning.

Teddy walks into the study.

Holding a tray with a white dinner plate piled high with toast and strawberry jam.

Velvet turns and takes two slices from the plate and sits down in his rocking chair.

"Thank you, Teddy."

Teddy sits by his feet and starts to devour the remaining toast.

The sticky jam gets stuck on his furry paws and tiny mouth.

"What can you tell me about Miss Dresden?"

Velvet asks between mouthfuls of the crunchy crust.

"She's a witch addicted to morphine."

"A witch? I thought she was a governess."

Teddy stops eating and looks up.

"You really don't have a clue about what you're dealing with, do you?" Teddy says with a long sigh.

"Well, hopefully Madam Ophelia will enlighten me very soon."

Madam Ophelia? Teddy asks looking puzzled.

Velvet finishes the last piece of toast and reaches inside his suit jacket.

He take out a purple Valentina cigarette and lights it.

Inhaling the tangerine flavoured smoke deep into his lungs.

He pauses.

Blowing a smoke ring into the air.

"Madame Ophelia is a psychic. She talks to dead people."

Zanaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें