A Morning In Paris

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A wispy morning mist holds the intricate maze of Paris side streets with broken fingers.

The sun slowly rising.

Crows crying.

Yawning pedestrians head to the cafés to get a fix of coffee and buttery croissants.

A tramp rummages through a bin.

A city wakes up.

Velvet, Kitty and Lucky Lucy emerge from the darkness of The Guillotine Cavern.

Eyes blinking and pupils adjusting to the watery orange haze.

"I need a shower", says Lucky Lucy. 

Kitty adjusts her skirt and taps Velvet on the shoulder.

"How about I go pick us up some breakfast and meet you back at the apartment? I feel wide awake."

The Whizz Candy is doing its thing.

Velvet smiles and kisses her on the cheek.

"I'll take care of that, you go with Lucy. After breakfast we can pack up and hit the road. Any news from Victor?"

Lucky Lucy turns and looks at Velvet.

A he becomes a she in her tired eyes.

She nods and hands Velvet the small silver canister.

A delivery from a messenger rat that had arrived a couple of hours earlier.

Velvet flicks a lock of black hair from her face.

She reads the scroll of rice paper.

"Ricin tipped bullets. He wasn't joking when he said he wanted her dead."

Lucky Lucy runs a finger lovingly across Velvet's red lipsticked lips.

"Maybe we should just skip breakfast and head straight to Amsterdam. Get to the hotel as soon as possible."

"No rush. Revenge requires a strong black coffee." Velvet relies, playfully biting her finger.

A young school girl skips past.

She pauses and walks back towards them.

And stops in front of Kitty.

The school girl grins and drags a little finger across her throat.

She then turns and skips away.

Her giggles trailing behind her.

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