A Moment of Insanity

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Miss Fly is wired.

Her animated face a series of silent movies.

Projected inwards.

A parrot delivering a mash-up of nursery rhymes.

The line of Vivid is kicking in.

Kitty is playing her favourite game.

'Chase Your Tail'.

She spins around and around.

Faster and faster.

Screaming with laughter.

Spilling La Malice.

Sparkling halos of golden bubbles.

Rising up and falling down.

Raining madness.

Reckless pitter-patter droplets.

Land softly upon the random chaos.

Gamma is down on all fours.


She searches under the table.

Looking for the dangly silver earring.

Which doesn't exist.

A haystack with no needle.


'The Killing Moon' by Nouvelle Vague, is playing in the club.

Velvet conjures up a box of Decadence.

A secret delivery.

A gift for Sophia.

Deliciously dark chocolates.

Hand-made by Luminous Bloom.

Chocolatier to the clairvoyants.

Individually wrapped in gold leaf.

An assortment of prophetic flavours.

A vision in every bite.

Talk dark strangers to meet.

Perhaps an overseas trip.

A visit from a loved one.

A message from the other side.

Sophia's blue eyes melt.

Velvet hands her the crimson box.

"I really am so sorry", he says.

A piercing red ribbon of a smile creeps across her candle lit face.

If Helen of Troy had the power to launch a thousand ships, this girl has the looks to wreck them.

"I love it when you grovel Velv", she purrs.

Kitty falls down.

A spinning top spun.

Dizzy and delirious.

Landing on the crawling Gamma.

Who quickly turns Kitty over.

Pinning her butterfly body down.


Miss Fly shudders.

The Vivid is exploding through her brain.

She claps her hands repeatedly.

They all stop and stare in her direction.

She mimes her brilliant idea.

Frenetic and fabulous.

Velvet drifts back into his seat.

His mind falls down a rabbit hole.

Another night, another place.

The story continues.

In his bedroom at 42 Windermere Lane.

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