Miss Roxy Delight

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Mr. Ishy pushes a black button with his ginger paw.

A bell starts ringing in Peeping Toms.

All eyes turn to the wall-to-ceiling arch windows.

Another show is about to start.

Cheering patrons press their faces up against the glass and watch the blinds slowly lift in the derelict building across the road.

The restaurant erupts with thunderous applause.

Miss Roxy Delight roller skates past the dining tables.

Microphone in one hand and cracking a whip with the other.

She is dressed in a Little Red Riding Hood costume.

A spotlight chasing her as she introduces tonight's strip artists dancing in the windows opposite.

Two drunk men dressed in identical midnight blue tuxedos leap from their chairs and try to grab Miss Roxy Delight as she whizzes by.

Fan boys with autograph pads.

Lucky Lucy suddenly appears from nowhere.

Racing across the hard wooden floor.

The first roundhouse kick connects with a bearded chin.

Sending a spray of blood flying out of a twisted mouth.

The second kick delivers the final blow.

Both fan boys are left writhing on the ground.

Miss Roxy Delight screams into the microphone.

"That'll teach 'em!"

Waiters rush over with mop and buckets to clean up the spilt blood.

Lucky Lucy runs over to Velvet's table and pulls up a chair.

Gamma gives her a high five as she sits down.

Kitty and Miss Fly feed each other caviar with Mother of Pearl spoons.

Sophia flips over a coaster.

The black ballpoint pen starts to scribble again.

She has a habit of drawing during awkward moments.

A he becomes a she.

In Lucky Lucy's gorgeous eyes.

"So what is it with this Bela girl?"

Velvet takes a sip of her martini, leans over and whispers into Lucky Lucy's ear.

"I cannot tell you the story of Bela without first explaining the tale of Zana. "

Lucky Lucy slides a hand between Velvet's legs.

"For God's sake, make it quick, Velv."

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