A Strange Birthday Party

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It was a rather strange birthday party.

Black balloons hung by red ribbons in weeping willows.

The drooping branches reaching down and touching the icy water of a dark and dismal lake.

Where wicked weeds grew.

Crazy children driven mad by a sugar frenzy played a game of 'Hunt the Crow'.

Screaming like drunk banshees.

Chasing a sniggering dwarf dressed in a black robe and riding an Irish Wolfhound.

Little hands throwing rotten apples as they ran.

Trying to knock him off his galloping mount.

Zana burst into laughter.

Waving her arms in the air.

She was sitting on a giant inflatable pink rocking horse.

A mountain of torn gift-wrapping paper piled next to her.

A special birthday present from Father opened with excited fingers.

Her new Bela Doll watched Teddy with glowing eyes.

As he tumbled.

Doing acrobatic rolls across the green grass.

Six crimson candles melted.

A chocolate birthday cake reduced to crumbs.

Miss Dresden fired a silver revolver into the clouds.

The children froze.

Confused and terrified expressions on their flushed faces.

"Come now children, form a line, it's time to play a new game."

Miss Dresden flashed a smile and knelt down in front of the nervous children.

Her words trickling from thin lips.

"This game is called, 'Tell a Lie'. Zana will go first. She'll whisper in your ear and tell you a story. Then I want you all to cover your eyes and count to twenty while she runs off and hides. If you can find her, you'll all be given a stick of peppermint rock candy."

The dwarf rode in circles around the children.

His maniacal laughter trailing behind him.

Father lifted Zana off the rocking horse.

She ran over and joined the group.

Her tiny lips spoke in a hushed whisper.

A lie was told.

At a rather strange birthday party.

Where black balloons hung by red ribbons in weeping willows.

The drooping branches reaching down and touching the icy water of a dark and dismal lake.

Where wicked weeds grew.

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