Sophia's Apartment

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Sophia's apartment is lit by illuminated Micky Mouse plastic masks that run the full length of a cream coloured wall.

A collage made from hundreds of bar coasters covers all the remaining walls.

A scribbled drawing on every single one.

Magical images conjured up in a series of rapid strokes with a black ballpoint pen.

A flatscreen television is on mute.

'Being John Malkovich' is playing in the corner of the room.

Sophia dances naked across the wooden floor.

'Brand New Moves' by Hey Violet is blasting out from white speakers.

A lock of shower-wet blonde hair falls across her gorgeous face.

If Helen of Troy had the power to launch a thousand ships, this girl has the looks to wreck them.

She does a little shimmy and enters the bedroom.

There is a kingsize mattress on the ground.

Next to a white plastic side table with a crumpled cigarette pack sitting on it.

A small oval mirror is nailed to the back of the door.

And in the corner is a steel clothes rack full of outfits.

Sophia likes to keep things simple.

She reaches for a black leather corset hanging on the rack with a pink garter and sheer black stockings, draped over the metal hanger.

Her favourite outfit for a night out at the Stockings and Garter Club.

The door bell rings.

Sophia drops the clothes onto the mattress and runs out of the bedroom.

She peers into the tiny intercom by the bolted front door.

A scratchy image of Kitty blowing a kiss looks back.

Sophia smiles and removes the heavy chain and unlocks the door.

Kitty skips passed her and jumps onto the white leather couch.

She is dressed in a vintage Sex Pistols tee, tartan mini-skirt and green platform ankle boots.

"Make yourself at home." Sophia says.

Kitty grins and reaches for the stereo remote.

Her fingers clicking through track after track.

Stopping on 'I Wanna Be Sedated' by The Ramones.

She cranks up the volume.

"I love this", Kitty screams leaping off the couch and grabbing Sophia by the hand.

The two laughing girls pogo around the lounge. 

Sophia stops to catch her breath.

She takes Kitty by the hand and leads her into the bedroom.

"Can we fuck? Please S, pretty please?"

"Stop it, you." Sophia giggles. "No! Not tonight. I need your help with this."

Kitty pouts and watches Sophia step into the black corset.

"Be a love and tie me up."

Kitty pulls hard on the laces.

Sophia sighs.


She takes a deep breath and feels Kitty's tiny fingers pull harder.

Locking her slender body into the leather prison.

Sophia slips on the black stockings and suspenders.

"Let me do that", Kitty says.

She takes the pink garter and slides it up an outstretched stockinged leg.

Sophia takes hold of her hand and the two girls roll onto the mattress.

Kitty stares into Sophia's eyes.

Deep blue whirlpools.

Pulling her body closer.

Kisses explode like bright sparkly fireworks.

Across thirsty lips.

Begging for more.


Sophia lights a cigarette.

Kitty pulls up her pink panties.

The orgasm still rippling between her legs.

'Third Uncle' by Brian Eno is booming from the speakers.

"What time is it?"

Kitty twists her wrist to check the Chairman Mao wristwatch.

"Almost 19 o'clock."

Sophia smiles.

She deducts eight hours in her head and reaches for a pair of black stripper heels.

"The cab will be here any minute." A smoke ring escaping Sophia's lips.

Kitty spins around in circles.

Clapping her hands.

She is excited.

A night out at The Stockings and Garter Club beckons.

Sophia can feel the excitement building too.

Running through her tense body like a trickle of icy cold water from a rusty tap.

She can't wait to see Velvet again.

It's been far too long.

And so many questions to ask him.

One in particular plays on an endless loop inside her head.

A fairytale riddle that perplexed Sophia.

A conundrum that kept her awake on stormy nights.

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