The Chase

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Bela sprints down the service corridor that runs behind the crimson curtains.

Sophia's blood dripping from the knife held in her left hand.

A bullet suddenly whizzes by her head.

The deafening bang from the gunshot trailing behind.

Miss Fly steadies the revolver and fires another shot.

A second miss.

Cursing under her breath, she gives chase.

Bela turns her head and quickly catches a glimpse of Miss Fly racing towards her.

She bursts into the kitchen and knocks a waiter off his feet.

Sending his tray of dumplings flying through the air.

Mr. Chow sees her coming and reaches for his meat cleaver.

Too late.

Bela buries her knife deep into his chest.

He looks down at the bone handle sticking out of his white apron.

A patch of red blossoming.

Like an opium poppy in springtime.

Bela keeps running.

Kicking open the handle of a fire exit door.

It leads to the carpark at the back of the Stockings and Garter Club.

Miss Fly enters the steamy kitchen.

She sees Mr. Chow collapse to the floor and runs over to him.

Pushing the shocked and stunned cooks out of the way.

Kneeling down next to him, she feels for a pulse.

He is still alive.

For now.


Bela ducks down and weaves in and out of the parked Ferraris, Mercedes and Bentleys that fill the carpark.

She crouches behind one of the cars.

Her pale face flushed pink.

Pupils wide awake.

Eyes spotting a guy dressed in leathers.

Smoking a cigarette by sparkling new BMW motorbike.

A hazy memory takes shape inside her head.

Transporting her back to another time.

When she was a teenager collecting eggs from the chicken coop in the garden.

Miss Dresden holds a squawking chicken in her hand.

Its brown wings flapping wildly.

"Look and learn, Bela. This is how you kill a creature quickly ."

Bela puts the wicker basket of eggs down and tilts her head.

Paying close attention.

She watches fascinated as her governess swiftly twists the chicken's neck.

Snapping it in an instant.

"Are you okay?"

The words break the spell and Bela looks up.

The motorbike guy is standing over her.

A plume of silver smoke trailing from his lips.

Bela gets up and straightens her hair with one hand.

A calm smile hiding the panic deep inside of her.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just feeling a little faint. Too many martinis I think." She replies.

Her legs start to buckle.

The motorbike guy quickly drops the cigarette and catches her in his arms.

"Hey, you need to take it easy", he says, pulling Bela closer to his chest.

He feels her body tense up.

"Now aren't you a darling man", she laughs.

As Zana suddenly takes control of her brain.

Her slender arms reaching out to him.

Steely muscles tighten.

Firm hands take hold of his bearded chin.

It is all over in less than three seconds.

The dead motorbike guy drops to the ground with a muffled thump.

His neck broken.

Bela kneels down and rummages through the pockets of his leather jacket.

Fingers feeling the metal key inside the top one.

She runs over to the motorbike and jumps onto the leather seat.

A loud crash from a door being kicked open catches her attention.

Her head turns.

Just in time to see Miss Fly bursting through the gap.

Bela turns the key and the motorbike roars to life.

Miss Fly sprints towards her.

A yellow Lamborghini pulls into the carpark.

Brakes screaming.

Narrowly missing Miss Fly.

Blocking her path.

Bela twists the motorbike throttle and takes off.

Tyres smoking on the tarmac.

Miss Fly raises her revolver.

The woman behind the wheel of the Lamborghini doesn't argue.

She quickly steps out of the car.

The fear visible on her face as she stares at the gun pointed at her head.

Miss Fly pushes woman out of the way and leaps inside the car.

Slamming the door shut.

Foot hitting the accelerator.

The rear of the Lamborghini slides sideways as it races out of the carpark.

Revenge hurtling into the night.

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