11. Relatable Moments

Start from the beginning

Like who in their right mind would take hours to do one hairstyle and then it doesn't turn out the way it does on the internet.

You could just do a quick ponytail. You still would presentable, that's if you brushed your hair and don't have a bad hair or woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Hopefully, you don't get bad hair days as bad as mine. I don't think we should go down that root though...

Getting back on topic, it is only a few pictures and then your done. What's the difference anyway?

Moving two feet forward, I started thinking at the task at bay, which is which smile to do?

Should a do a smile so fake you would you see as soon as you look at the photo, or a casual lazy grin, or a goofy lopsided grin that makes you seem like the joker in class?

Or maybe I shall just do the same smile I do every year for this dreadful day?

Moving another step forward, I made up my mind, and before you know it, it was my turn to be sitting on the stool, legs crossed very ladylike, back straight (no slouching!) and your best fake smile, teeth showing and looking like you actually are enjoying yourself.

"Juliet Harrison!" the photographer sounded so excited, but it's just a facade.

I am happy I am born as Juliet rather than Judith because even though people ask where is Romeo, I would prefer that than being called Judge Judy!

If I was a Judith, I would really say to people who call me 'Judge Judy, ' "Judge Judy, no offence to her, but she's old, and I am not! I am thirteen for Pete's sake!"

"Eyes here, " the photographer's voice taking me out of my train of thoughts and letting my eyes narrow in on him.

He was in his late forties with a bald head with blue jeans, a white shirt and black shoes. I think I shall call him Mr. P.

"Don't forget to smile!" Mr. P said, after adding, " Show me some teeth!"

Like heck to no! You might as will become a dentist!

I hate having my photo taken! And this is the reason; they always want to see my teeth! I smile with my mouth closed and apparently, they have a problem with teeth not showing.

I clenched my jaw and smiled brighter than before, acting like he didn't just ask me to open my mouth and show him my teeth.

Mr. P shook his head ever so slightly that was nearly noticeable as if he knew all too well.

After two dreadful photos, I was done, luckily!


4. "There's a test, today?"

I put my bag down, against the classroom's outside wall and started to walk my mom back to her car in the front of the school, but before I started I took out History textbook and the workbook that goes with it from my bag, then started walking again.

We walked past the boys that were playing four square or hand tennis, I don't know the difference between the two before Tristan asked, "Is there a test today?"

"Uhh... Yes?" I said, questionably before adding, " You do know there is a test today? History? Do I need to go any further?"

"There's a test today?" the boys echoed.

"Are you guys deaf?" I questioned.

"What did you say?" one guy asked.

"Point proven!"

"I asked you did you study?" I smiled innocently as though I didn't just ask if they were deaf and they proved my hypothesis once again.

"No... Not really..." Tristan replied on behalf of the boys.

"I take that as a 'no', well just study this topic, the highlighted part and know these..."


5. Poses

The History just walked out of the class to go to the bathroom and left with without putting anyone in charge. So the most obvious thing a noisy class would do is talk and not do their work unlike me, who would do as told work so I will have no homework.

After ten minutes, there was an alert to "act natural! The teacher is coming!" and you wouldn't believe it that the went from chaotic noise to tranquillity, silence, so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

But, everyone was striking the most unnatural ever like if they were guilty of something, which they were.

Mam walked through the doorway and seemed surprised that we were actually quiet.

"We were angels, Mam," Tristan said, acting innocent.

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Hi everyone! I hope you enjoying your day slash night! Lol, I wrote the first part when it is raining and its still raining!




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Till next time!

Judy Harris

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