11. Relatable Moments

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Warning: This chapter has quite a different layout.
(Currently editing)

Part I
The Difference between "Drizzling" and "raining"

Pitter, patter. Pitter, patter.

I look up from the textbook, to the only window in the class to see that it has started drizzling.

"Oh! Look! It's raining!" a girl said, looking at the window.

"Actual, the correct word is spitting or drizzling! Or lightly raining. Use the correct terminology!" I thought.

Pitter! Patter! Pitter, patter!

The drizzle was getting a little harder by the minute.

"Now you can say it is raining!"

Most of the people stood up from their chair to look at the window.

"Ma'am, look!"

"Yes, I know. Can you sit down and carry on with your work now?" said the teacher getting back on to her laptop.

"I swear you guys have never seen rain! I know we are in South Africa, all and all! But seriously, even though we get some rain, although very little, you guys surely have seen rain before, right?" I mentally sighed.

"This is going to be a long day!"


Part II

"Ugh! Look at it! How could you betray me?" I said out loud, voicing my thoughts.

You wouldn't believe me when I told you that I was happy this morning when I woke up

"I wonder how I am going to sort of this mess?" I thought while looking at myself in the mirror, or more particularly my hair which looks like a bird's nest.

"All I need now is a bird! Then voila! An actual bird's nest in my mop of hair!"

I must warn you though when I have a bad hair day, I am destined to be grumpy.

"All I need is a pair of scissors, a bowl for my cuttings and some serious hairdressing skill."

Of course, this was just an idea, what I actually did was brush my hair trying to straighten, get out knots, and try to get my shoulder length now wavy hair into a ponytail.

Sounds so easy!

45 minutes later, I had gotten my hair up and felt quite achieved. The only thing is that not all my hair got into my ponytail...

Since I used to have a bob, but now I am growing my hair, there are still pieces that are growing.

I look once again at my hair.

"Well... at least it's up."

3. Photo Day

Standing in line from shortest to tallest, I'm in the middle, luckily, not short, not a giraffe, at least not yet.

I am mentally debating what smile should I do and if the girls that have hairstyles that take hours are really worth the effort.

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