Chapter 1: The Parade

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A loud squeal echoed through the halls of the Empire.
"Ink! Come quick!"
Blue's eyes lit up in excitement as he made his way to look through the large clear window.
"Hmm, what?"
Ink groaned tiredly, he had just recently woken up from all the noise happening.
Blue's eyes radiated into stars as he shook Ink.
"The parade starts todaayy!"
He sang happily.
It was The Empire's Anniversary.
"Huh?.. What parade?.."
Ink didn't recall anything about a parade, but then he remembered.

"Do you remember now? Now get changed! I don't want us to be late!"
"That's okay, just leave without me, i'll catch up with you later."
"Shouldn't we wait for Dream?"
Blue asked.
"No, he's going to be watching from his balcony on the top of the Empire."
"Why won't he join the fun?"
He blinked curiously.
"The guard's need to protect Dream, besides, he can see the entire parade from up there."
Blue made a gesture that he didn't really know, it was a mixture of "Okay?" and "Why?"
"Anyways, I need to hurry-"
He didn't finish his sentance, he immediately rushed into his room to get changed.
Blue shrugged at Ink's sudden energy.
He skipped in the halls and whistled some tune he didn't know.
Blue acted accordingly and went down the fancy stairs as the guards opened the gate for him.
"Thank you, kind guards."
He smiled as he walked through the gates.
The guards nodded their head respectfully and stared back at each other once again.
Blue looked up, he saw Dream's balcony but he wasn't there yet.
"But the parade is going to start soon!" He thought.
"He'll be here any minute now."

Loud cheers from the crowd of people rose up as he watched a giant hot air balloon appear from the sky with The Empire's logo on it.
"If only Ink could see this!" Blue giggled in amusement.
Ink appeared behind him.
"I can."
Blue turned around and squeaked.
"Oh my stars- Ink! You big meanie! You scared me!"
Ink chuckled and shrugged.
"Is it starting already or is it just a hot air balloon?"
He changed the topic.
"It's starting!"
His eyes turned to stars.
Suddenly his cheerful smile turned into a frown.
"But Dream isn't there yet!"
Ink looked up at the balcony for a straight 12 seconds, then looked back at Blue blankly.
"Maybe he'll be there in a few minutes."
He acted like it was casual, no big deal about it.

The people from the village approached the crowd, dancing with torches, wearing long traditional robes.
"Wowie! That's so cool! I want to do that!"
Ink sweated a bit.
"Uhh, it's best if you put that in the idea box."

Blue continued to gasp at the amusing performances, when suddenly, a figure touched Ink and Blue's shoudlers.
"Who's there!?-"
Ink pointed at the stranger who wore a dark cloak.
He looked around, it was obvious the crowd wasn't going to pay attention to them.
"Keep your voice down!"
He whispered.
He looked up, his eyes glew yellow as he wore a golden crown.
Blue squinted closely.
He hushed him with his finger.
The crowd's cheer became louder as a giant balloon floated by.
"Uhh- why are you hiding?"
Ink bit back some laughter.
Dream rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"I wanted to try out on how it felt to be like a normal villager."
"But, what about the guards? Wouldn't they be looking for you?"
Blue butted in their conversation.
"Well... er- no, I told my guards that I would be fine."
Ink scoffed.
"Well let's just see how that goes."

When the parade had ended, it became dark.
The torches around the Empire were lit up as fireworks spreaded across the sky.
(They used magic in this AU)
Blue was left speechless by all the blinding colours and light.
"I have to admit, that looks amazing."
Ink gazed into the sky.
Dream smiled as he finished his last bit of his popcorn.
"I'm really proud."

After long hours of talking, it was time to go back home.
"Gee Golly! That was the best parade ever!"
Blue jumped.
"Yeah, it was, we never had that much excitement since y'know."
The guards opened up the doors for them, it had been a really long day.
Dream yawned.
"Well, it's not that bad being a villager."
"Hey, what did you even do today?"
Ink put his hands on his hips.
Dream shrugged tiredly and managed to stay awake.
"I dunno, I went out to try their food, see the stores, play with the kids, talk with the crowd."
His voice was weary and tired.
"Yeah, we should go to sleep. Good night."
Ink turned the other direction, leading to his room.
Blue went into the kitchen to save the delicious leftovers from the parade.
Well Dream, he didn't move for a few seconds, and then he went into his room and went to bed.

Dream groaned as the blasts of the trumpets intesified.
That was a warning signal of an attack.

[Oofles this is my first story, I don't expect anyone to read it lol, sorry if this is so short, It might take time for me to write the next chapter. I'm not good at leaving cliff hangers but you gotta wait for the next part of the story ^^

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