for the sake of science || chaennie

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And maybe that was what Jennie liked about Chaeyoung the most. The way she loved the things she loved, passionate and unapologetic, even if it wasn't something that most people were interested in. The way she could talk about it for hours.

The way Jennie would love to listen to those talks for hours.


The first time Jennie saw the girl with glasses was in the library.

Her dark eyes behind the glasses were focused on her laptop, her head was perched on top of her left knee while both of her legs were curled up on top of the chair, the left one vertically and the right one horizontally. Perhaps it was the laid back way the girl curled up her legs, not caring about what others might have to say about etiquettes, or perhaps that posture emitted some kind of elegance that reminded Jennie of a past invention - Jennie's attention was inevitably caught.

The girl was wearing a Dua Lipa shirt inside a flannel, Jennie noticed. It was the first of many music t-shirts Jennie would see her wear.


The second time Jennie saw her was at the coffee shop just across the uni. The glasses girl was standing behind her in the line. Jennie didn't notice her until she spoke suddenly, pointing to the novel in her hand and asking her what she thought of it.

"Well, the plot is pretty interesting, as far as mysteries go. I do think some of the crime scenes and the tools described weren't exactly physically realistic, but well, it's fiction, I guess."

The girl laughed, her eyes sparkling with something that looked like interest. "Really? Well, that's interesting. At least the author got the parts about plants and poisons right. I hate it when they don't."

"I know the feeling," Jennie grinned a little. "But for me, it's usually when they're making something happen that's not actually physically possible. Or machines that don't make sense. If it's fantasy it's less of an issue, but crime fiction ..."

"Yeah. You'd think they'd be realistic," the girl smiled wryly. "By the way, I'm Chaeyoung."

"Jennie." Jennie introduced herself too, and then paused before saying, "it must be interesting to watch a movie with you, we'd probably be criticizing all the little details together."

Chaeyoung's eyebrows shot up slightly as her lips pulled upwards. "We should definitely do that sometime."


A week later, they were sitting in Chaeyoung's apartment watching some classic spy movies Chaeyoung's brother owned, Jennie explaining how some gadgets wouldn't actually work in real life, Chaeyoung commenting on how she'd utilize those plants in the wild if she were ever in that situation, and both agreeing on how some scenes were too sexist.


Somehow, Chaeyoung slowly but surely integrated into Jennie's life without either of them consciously realizing this. The movie nights became a weekly routine of theirs. Jennie found herself waking up on Chaeyoung's sofa on a Sunday morning after they'd both collapsed in exhaustion after watching the movie after exams week. Chaeyoung finding Jennie's notes for mechanical designs scattered beside her own biology class notes. Jennie wearing Chaeyoung's The Beatles' shirt. Chaeyoung memorizing the movements of Jennie tying her hair up.

Small, seemingly insignificant changes that felt as natural as breathing.


"I've never been really good at conversations," Chaeyoung confessed one day. "Well, you're an exception. It's easy to be just myself and talk about how I feel about things with you. But I can't do it with most people."

"I'm honored," Jennie gave her a smile, and she smiled back. "Though I think you always handle your class presentations well - I've seen you practice."

Chaeyoung shrugged. "It's different with professional stuff, maybe? Like, small talks with acquaintances usually are hard because I feel like a lot of people don't share my hobbies, but it feels different when I'm focused on work, or if talking is for some purely functional purposes like buying things - then I don't get nervous at it." She tilted her head onto Jennie's shoulder. "I remember there is this series I read and the girl, the main character, is a bit like this too. She doesn't like chatting with people and stuff and rarely makes small talk, but she's at ease in interacting with her fellow hackers who shared the same interests and talents as her."

And maybe that was what Jennie liked about Chaeyoung the most. The way she loved the things she loved, passionate and unapologetic, even if it wasn't something that most people were interested in. The way she could talk about it for hours.

The way Jennie would love to listen to those talks for hours.

The way she was so interested in listening to Jennie talk about machines, too.

"I think I should read those book sometimes too. She sounds like a really interesting character."

Chaeyoung grin was bright and sharp. "Oh, you'll definitely love Lisbeth."


Their first kiss happened because of "experimental purposes", trying to guess if the characters were really kissing on screen from that angle. It seemed as logical a thing to do as any, because they both liked being scientific.

"So," Jennie took a deep breath, her head still filled with a light-weight, sweet yet unreal feeling of kissing Chaeyoung. "They definitely kissed in the show."

"Yeah," Chaeyoung quirked a smile, and Jennie could see the softness of her lips so clearly at this distance. "There's no way their lips didn't touch at that angle."

Their eyes met, and Jennie tried to focus on appreciating the nice handiwork of the glasses to no avail as Chaeyoung's eyes drew away all her attention.

"Sometimes we should repeat an experiment to double check the correctness of the result," Jennie finally said, slowly and carefully.

"Scientific process, definitely," Chaeyoung nodded, her fingers playing with the ends of Jennie's hair. "Well, I say we repeat the experiment, for the sake of science."

"For science," Jennie agreed, and started leaning forward.

Chaeyoung met her halfway.

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