ditch day || chaelisa

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It's rainy and Chaeyoung and Lisa don't go to school. Instead they stay home and be gay.


The soft patter of rain lulled Chaeyoung in and out of sleep. Her eyes opened and closed a few times very slowly as she assessed her situation. First of all, she realized that even if she got up right then, she'd still end up late for her first class. Second of all, she realized that Lisa herself wasn't up and about like she usually was at this time in the morning. Chaeyoung turned to her side to grab her phone from the nightstand as well as her glasses. She squinted in pain as she turned her bedroom light on. Stupid bright light. Chaeyoung checked her phone quickly before tiptoeing into the kitchen for a nice hot cup of coffee. The rain must have been soothing to her subconscious state, as she normally didn't sleep in unless she was sick and luckily for her, she had no symptoms. Chae plopped herself onto a chair in front of their little bar area and set her phone down. She ran her fingers through her hair catching on a few knots here and there, but for the most part, it wasn't bad. She had showered the night before so her hair had that nice silky smoothness to it.

Chae opened her emails and quickly sent a duplicate email to all her teachers for that day. She definitely wasn't coming in. She preferred to stay home and appreciate days like this. They didn't have many rainy days. Chae pocketed her phone and slid off her stool into the kitchen where she began to make a full pot of coffee and would have been content to drink it all if it weren't for Lisa having slunk out of her bedroom looking like a zombie, what with her bad bed head and horrible bags under her eyes. "You look like you got hit by a bus my friend." Chae commented with a small smile as Lisa reached up on her tiptoes to grab a coffee mug from where Chae had strategically placed them so that she could see Lisa do exactly that. Lisa raised her arms up above her head after finally retrieving her mug, and arched her back as she stretched her tired muscles. "Got in late last night and the rain kept me up till about three thirty. I'm not even gonna try going to any of my classes.." Chae frowned. The rain wasn't that bad last night was it. I mean she herself slept all the way through it. Maybe Lisa didn't like the rain. Maybe she was one of those weirdos that didn't like storm days.

Chae grabbed herself a mug as well after Lisa had sat at the little bar to wait for the coffee pot to fill. "It wasn't that bad was it?" Chae asked in a quiet voice. Lisa looked curiously at Chae. Why'd she start caring? "It was actually. The fucking thunder and lighting..." Chae had to bite her tongue to refrain from saying 'very very frightening' and couldn't help but snicker softly at her own mind. Lisa gave her a sceptic look out of the corner of her eye but said nothing further. She was tired, her body hurt, at that moment all she wanted was someone to hold her and more importantly a giant ass cup of coffee.

Lisa watched out the window while Chae poured her own cup of coffee. Slowly adding a small amount of creamer and then deeming that too much she had to add a small amount more of coffee. Lisa frowned at how much it had already rained, the access street for the parking lot of the apartment complex was almost completely flooded. Chae cleared her throat and Lisa turned her head back to look at her. Chae looked at Lisa expectantly and only then did Lisa realize that Chae was holding a cup of coffee out to her with a small smile on her face. "Well if both of us are ditching class I guess we should find something to do..?" Lisa nodded and said a quiet thanks as she took the cup of coffee. Chae moved out of the kitchen and made her way through the small apartment into what was kind of labeled the living room. A couple of bean bags some scattered blankets and pillows, two small flat screen tvs that don't work all that well and about every game system a true nerd could imagine, thanks to Jisoo. Whom is simply amazing at bargaining at thrift stores with people that don't know what they have. Chae gently set her steaming cup of coffee on the small table in the middle of the room, watching the steam roll off the liquid in thin curls as she plopped herself onto a blue beanbag. She used her foot to power on the PS4 and grabbed several different controllers and remotes. Half of them she wasn't sure she'd need, but it was better safe than sorry. Lisa watched with tired eyes as Chae turned on both tvs and also powered the Xbox on. Chae pushed her glasses back up as she leaned forward to squint slightly at the menu on the tv that was showing the Xbox options. Without a word, Lisa was handed a controller which she silently accepted and she plopped into a beanbag. She watched Chae out of her peripherals and hid a smile as her tongue poked out from the side of her mouth slightly when she was concentrating.
Once Chae had found the correct remote for the sound system, the game was on. And fuck if Lisa knew what she was doing. But she knew that she was losing...

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