"You make a far better Stargazer." Alex admitted.

"Zia thinks so too." Aviri smirked. "Come on then fuck face. You just gonna stand there praising me? Or you gonna come here and kiss my fist?"

"She's so much more aggressive than I thought." Alison cringed.

Kira shrugged. "She's my opposite."

Alex dashed forwards again, swinging his claw straight at Aviri. The vampire bent backwards, matrix style, before flipping backwards and landing in front of Peredite who was standing casually with her arms still behind her back.

Alex didn't hesitate before swinging again, this time threatening to hit the Zealot as well. Instead the purple demon held up her hand and stopped the blow like she was catching a stick, even if Alex's paw was almost as big as she was. The force of resistance caused Alex to stumble forward in shock, only to have Aviri jump and flip over his head, grabbing his horns and pulling him backward. When her feet touched the ground she pulled, lifting Alex off his feet and throwing him over her effortlessly, before slamming him into the ground.

As he went to pick himself up, she kicked him in the side of the head like you'd kick a soccer ball with enough force to roll him across the ground.

He laughed wickedly as he picked himself up, before grinning at his sister who stood and watched without any emotion in her eyes. "You think these Nightshade's will protect you my dearest sister!? They'll leave you to rot! You're going to spend the rest of your miserable life as their prisoner!" Alex laughed. "They'll never treat you as one of their own."

"I don't want to be like them." Alice retorted. "I just want to stop being beaten and abused by my own family."

Alex continued laughing. "You're a pawn! No matter what you do you're always going to be a pawn! You're a Daybreaker, and you're always going to be a Daybreaker!"

Aviri made her way around Alex, before slamming her foot on his back, hard enough to audibly crack his ribs. He shrank back down into his human form as she stepped back and grabbed the back of his head.

"You talk to much." Aviri growled, before her hand turned into the same claws as his beast form, but without growing in size. She then slammed those claws into his back and stabbing through him, sticking out his chest. His eyes widened in pain and shock as blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.

Alison cringed, turning her head away as Aviri dropped her nephew's lifeless body to the ground, blood dripping from her arm as her hand returned to normal. Aviri whipped her hand to the ground quickly, spraying most of the blood into the grass, allowing her to clean the rest off with a handkerchief.

"Peredite, can you send his body to mother for me?" Aviri asked.

"Of course." Peredite nodded and a purple portal opened bellow Alex's corpse which he fell into. The bloodstain of where he was disappearing when the portal closed.

"Are you alright Alison?" Kira asked.

"I'm fine." Alison answered before looking to Alice who was just staring at where her brother once was. "Come home with me Alice. We can keep you safe from any of your dad's minions."

The Daybreaker scoffed, glaring at Alison. "I'm not worried about anyone he sends. If he can't come get me himself then he's not worth it, and we all know he'll never do anything for himself. He's terrified that I'll just use my power, which I plan to."

"You can still stay at my house. You can sleep on my couch until you figure out what you want to do." Alison offered.

"You don't have to pretend like you're the bad guy anymore Alice." Aviri called, making her way over. "You can make up for all the bad things you did by trying to do better."

"We can't forgive you right away." Kira added. "But it's a start."

"I'm not looking for forgiveness." Alice snapped. "As long as my brother is dead, I don't have to worry about him anymore. I finally have my freedom... and I'm not going to let you take it!" She raised her head and turned towards Alison, only to have the Zealot slam her claws into the Daybreaker's chest.

Green vines lashed out from between her claws, wrapping around Alice's torso even as the vampire fell back onto the ground, trying to grasp and pull them away. Her eyes lit up in fear as she clawed and tore at the vines, but they never stopped growing.

"If you think we were just going to let you walk into their home without some way of restraining you, I'm afraid you have another thing coming." Aviri scoffed. "Venus gave us a wonderful gift for you, to make sure you pose no threat to us."

Between Peredite's claws was a small round walnut looking object that had been cracked open. The vines were growing from this crack, and wrapping around Alice's chest tightly.

"What is this!?" Alice roared.

"It's a Spriggan seed." Kira confessed.

"You're going to put a Spriggan in my body!?" Alice's honestly looked petrified.

"Sort of. It's not quite a full Spriggan, just part of one. For the most part it's going to greatly weaken you, and block your powers so you don't pose a threat."

"If you do this to me it'll be permanent! It'll rip apart my body! I'll never heal!"

"It'll become a part of you. It may even make you stronger, but it will always be a reminder of what you made us do." Aviri warned. "You can't be trusted. You may never be able to be trusted. But we're willing to try and help you, but we can't just let you walk around with free reign."

"Put a collar on me!" Alice bellowed. "Please don't do this!"

"With all the suffering you caused, this is a mercy." Kira explained.

"You don't have to hurt her." Alison noted.

"Unfortunately we do." Aviri answered. "She's so used to people using her and breaking her that she'll still try and kill you. We need a way to make sure she can't hurt anyone, and this is the only way to do it."

"We're not hurting her because we want to." Kira confessed. "She's left us no choice."

Alice wailed out in pain as the vines completely consumed her torso. They fell from the seed in Peredite's hand, and she crushed the empty shell to dust. A green glow appeared between the vines as Alice still tried to pull them off her body.

"You're torturing her!" Alison yelled.

"The vines release a toxin that will numb her pain." Aviri explained. "Relax. She can't feel a thing. It's just panic."

"Relax?! You're treating her just as bad as her family did!"

"The idea isn't that we're just as bad as them. It's that we can be far worse than they can, but we're still going to give her the benefit of the doubt. Once we have a way of keeping her from killing people, we're going to start giving her freedom. We're not going to beat her because she doesn't understand people. We're going to give her a home, and food, and safety, away from all the things that hurt her. But we need to make sure that she can't stab us in the back." Kira explained. "I don't want to hurt her. I really, really don't want to. Even after everything that she did, I know that the girl who I grew up with is still in there. But she needs to find those broken pieces of who she used to be, and rebuild herself."

"This isn't right." Alison frowned.

"I know."

NightShade (Lesbian Story, Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now