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"Okay to play you need to have a tagger and they are blindfolded. Their goal is to find the other members. The members that aren't the tagger have to find a hiding spot and once the game starts they can't leave that spot." Jaebeom said being the leader he is.

"To make this fun we should make a bet" Jackson grinned mischievously. Then he continued, "the loser will buy a feast for everyone." Everyone had agreed and they started the game.

"The loser will go bankrupt" Youngjae laughed out.


The first tagger was Jinyoung and Mark decided to help him get blindfolded. He went behind Jinyoung and tied the blindfold around his head.

"I can't see anything," Jinyoung said and rubbed Mark's back and then told him to go hide. Mark ran off and Jinyoung went to go explore his surroundings.

"It's so scary walking around when you can't see anything," Jinyoung said as he held his hands up and moved them around to feel his surroundings.

Yugyeom was hiding behind a table that had a black dining blanket over it. Bambam was hiding underneath two chairs that were pushed together. Jaebeom was standing on a secure shelf. Mark spread his legs to keep him up and secure because he was using the bathroom's doorframe as a place not to be seen. Jackson was just at the door where Jinyoung had started off at. Lastly, Youngjae hid underneath a desk and he had a chair pushed in so no one would be able to see him.




The game had began

Jinyoung tiptoed over to Bambam's area and carefully walked around, but he hadn't seen Bambam. Next, he walked over to Youngjae's area and carefully walked around there, but to throw him off Jackson had banged his hand against the door to distract him.

Jinyoung walked over to the chair that sat in front of the desk Youngjae was underneath and nudged it a little, but he hadn't seen Youngjae. Then Jinyoung walked back over to Bambam's area but still couldn't find anyone and walked over to the couch.

"AHHH" Bambam screamed to try and provoke Jinyoung. Jinyoung then bent down and crawled over to Bambam's area and successfully found Bambam. Everyone bursted into a fit of laughter and gathered around Bambam's hiding spot.

"Why did you scream?!" Jackson yelled and pointed at Bambam.

"I was really taken back" Youngjae giggled.

"Why did you scream?" Jackson asked again as Bambam was making his way out of his hiding spot.

"I was under the table and you almost got me," Youngjae said. He exhaled a breath he didn't even know he was holding it.

"I got a cramp in my butt" Mark giggled and Jaebeom scurried over to him.

"Is your butt okay love?" Jaebeom giggled and brought his hand up to Mark's butt and massaged it. Mark just pouted and giggled then nodded his head yes. Jaebeom took his butt off of Mark's butt and instead intertwined his hand with Mark's. Then he led Mark to the others.

"Why did you scream?" Jackson asked for the third time, but this time more calmly.

"Now Bambam will buy dinner," Jaebeom said, his hand still intertwined with Mark's.

"Why don't he just buy coffee tomorrow?" Jackson suggested.

"Good idea" Jaebeom repeated about three times.

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