"What plan?" Zoro asked.

"Oh yeah, we better explain the plan! Gather 'round everybody!!" Luffy screamed, and everyone but the Uchiha walked up towards him, forming a small circle. Luffy glanced around for Shinsa, but seeing that her eyes were on him, he looked away and continued his explanation. "We've formed an alliance with the Heart Pirates to take down one of the Four Emperors. Kaido of the beast."

"WE'RE FORMING AN ALLIANCE TO TAKE DOWN ONE OF THE FOUR EMPERORS?!" Most of the crew screamed from shock.

"An emperor? I like it." Zoro said with a smile, and no one was surprised.

"You shouldn't!!" Usopp screamed at him. "Hang on! Everyone just settle down. Can you explain this alliance to those of us who don't know about it?" Usopp was clearly panicking at the lax response from some of the crew mates. Robin was smiling. Zoro was smiling. Luffy was smiling. Sanji was smiling. And Shinsa, as usual, had on a blank unreadable expression. Just like a doll.

"Sure! Traffy's pirate crew and us... are in an alliance now! So let's all get along! Hee Hee!!" Luffy laughed while patting Law's back. Luffy's carefree response did nothing to ease the growing fear of some of his fellow crew mates.

"Any objections?!" Usopp interjected. Him, Nami, Chopper and Brook all raised their hands objecting. Once again, no one was surprised, seeing how those four were known as the 'scaredy-cats' of the crew.

"Will our objections make any difference??" Brook asked.

"Luffy already made the decision, didn't he?" Sanji asked. "A word to wise-Luffy's definition of alliance is probably a bit different from yours. Watch out." Sanji said, getting into Law's face. Turning around, he pointed a finger at Caesar. "I guess that explains why Luffy was going on about abduction. It didn't seem like his style... I was afraid you wanted me too cook up this weird lookin' sheep... but even for a world class chief, there's only so much I can do..." Sanji trailed off.

"Shi ro ro ro... You fools will never ged away with this madnezz... Some of the most powerful men in the world will be after you! Soon you'll rue your own ignorance before you die!" Caesar who was oddly quiet, suddenly exclaimed. His word's were slurred from the beating he had received from the Straw Hat wearing Captain. Obviously irritated, Sanji aimed a hard kick at the man-goat, causing him to shut up. Before the cook, Caesar was like a submissive animal at the moment that a certain Uchiha almost found amusing. Key word: Almost.

"Sanji! I was tending to him! At least wait until I finish before you beat him up!" Chopper exclaimed.

"So it's fine to beat him up once you're done?" Sanji asked while sweat dropping.

"I asked you to kidnap Caesar in Punk Hazard while I took care of the equipment that made the chemical known as S.A.D. In the New World, most of the greatest pirates hold territory guarded by countless subordinates over which they rule like enormous criminal syndicate. Matters happen in larger scale than anything you've seen now! Tackling them with a single crew is pointless. You'll never even catch a glimpse of their captains! Having said that, this is still the underground. All their necessary deals are conducted in secret so as to avoid Naval Attention. And the most trusted and powerful of these men is Doflamingo. His underground alias is Joker. And Joker's largest client at the moment is Kaido, King of the Beasts... an Emperor." Law explained. Kin'emon and Momonosuke gave a shout of surprise to this revelation.

"What's up?" Zoro asked.

"Er....! It is nothing! Please do continue!" Kin'emon shouted. "Dwah! What is this dragon doing here?! Where has Momonosuke gone?!" He suddenly screamed looking at the pink Dragon next to him.

"That's him." Luffy said.

"Huh?! Oh yes, of course. Yes... yes, I see now." Kin'emon said, not keeping the look of horror off of his face.

"What we're trying to do is take down Kaido! That means the key to victory will be how much we can minimize his strength! What Kaido's buying from Joker in great quantities is fruit. Man-Made Zoan-type devil fruit called Smile." Law explained.

"Man-Made?! If you could just create devil fruits, people with powers would be popping all over the place!" Usopp shouted.

"Exactly." Law stated. "Apparently there are inherent risks in the Man-Made fruit... but as of right this moment, Kaido has at least five hundred people in his crew with devil fruit powers." Law said.

"Anyone want to quite!" Usopp screamed.

"Me! Chopper held his hand up.

"Me!" Nami copies.

"Oh shut up." Zoro snapped.

"But now that fruit's been taken out of the equation." Law said while gesturing to Caesar. Sanji, Brook, Chopper and Usopp went over to Caesar, now suddenly finding an interest in the man-goat as Shinsa likes to refer him as.

"Interesting. So he was making them?" Sanji questioned. Caesar laughed quietly to himself, clearly feeling proud.

"You were making the foundation for devil fruits?! Wow, that S.A.D. must be incredible stuff." Chopper complimented.

"Don't compliment him! He's the root of evil!" Usopp shouted.

"It's just an application of Bloodline Elements, which were first discovered by Vegapunk." Law stated. Instantly everyone lost interest in Caesar.

"Oh, so Vegapunk's the genius..." Chopper muttered.

"Shut up! I'd like to see you create that stuff! Nincompoops!!" Caesar screamed, resulting in another beating from Sanji.

"Hmm.." Shinsa hummed out whilst walking up to mad scientist moaning in pain. Her brows lifted in a way where it looked as if she were pitying him.

"What-?! Don't tell me you feel bad for this psychopath!" Usopp reached forward to grab the white haired women, but froze when her eyes moved to give him a sideways glance. He was quickly reminded of the earlier confrontation from the women, and pulled his hand away as fast as he could.

Shinsa closed her eyes, and crossed her arms. She moved her shoulders to readjust the cardigan that looked almost ready to fall off.

"If I'm being honest, yes I do pity him..." she trailed off, receiving baffling looks from the crew. Usopp opened his mouth to yell his clear displeasure to the idea of his supposed crew-mate pitying the same man who was torturing and experimenting on even children! However, before he could be vocal about it, he halted in his movements seeing Shinsa raise her hand in Caesar's direction. There was a small 'poof' of smoke, and the Uchiha's sword appeared in her palm, the tip grazing Caesar's neck.

The scientist let out a squeal of fear, but found that he was unable to move from the look he was receiving from said Uchiha.

"Wouldn't it be easier to just kill him now?" The way the 19 year old female had said this, the way she made killing someone in cold blood sound as if it wasn't a big deal, quickly made the tension on the ship so thick that even the sharpest knife wouldn't be able to cut it.

Zoro unconsciously reached for his own blade, along with Kin'emon, Brook, and Law. The rest of the Straw Hat's begun to realize that the women they had allowed on board the Thousand Sunny may be more trouble then she's worth.

Shinsa clicked her teeth, and turned around, re-sealing the blade during the process. Her face betrayed the bloodlust she had intentionally leaked earlier. A smirk that seemed to send even more chills down the pirate's spine, slowly graced her features.

"I'm just kidding. It was a joke." Usopp now released a terrified squeal, jumping back away from Shinsa who stopped smirking to give him a blank look.

There was a thud behind the Uchiha, and everyone looked to see that Caesar had passed out from the pure terror of being exposed to the Kunoichi's bloodlust. Shinsa ran a hand through her hair, brushing it back, and walked away from the crew, heading below deck where the aquarium was.

The Uchiha sat on the cushioned bench, confused as to why she received the reactions she had. She knew full well that she wasn't a very comedic person, however even Kakashi would break out into a smile at the joke she told. Was the comedy just that different in this world?

'I guess I'll have to research relationships in this world if I even hope to try acting civil with the Straw-hat crew.'

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