Forty Five - Admitting It

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"Who wants donuts!" Arin called out into the office as he and Dan finally entered, almost 11.

In response he heard a chorus of excited tones, shortly followed by the sounds of chairs moving as everyone abandoned their work for something more important: food. Arin placed the box down on a table so that he didn't get ambushed. Sure enough everyone swarmed the donuts like bees and they all grabbed one until there were only two left.

"Aren't you guys having one?" asked Ryan, looking confused at Arin and Dan.

"Nah, we had ours on the way here," replied Arin with a dismissive wave, "I guess those two are extra so, anyone who wants them can have them."

Ross seemed to come from nowhere and swooped past, a donut already in his mouth as he snatched up another and ran off with his catch. Even Ryan looked confused at what had just happened. The other lay untouched, everyone else too polite to take it and be greedy. Arin looked down at the pink icing, then back at everyone else in the room. He shrugged.

"I guess I'll take it."

He picked it up and prepared to take a bite when his eyes landed on Dan. A smile crept into Arin's face as he approached the fuzzy haired man, who looked a little lost without his cane. He grabbed his hand and lead him to the recording room, where he knew both his glasses and cane would still be.

Dan fully surrendered to Arin's guidance, trusting him to keep him safe.

Arin closed the door behind them as Dan found his way to the couch and sat himself down, happy to finally be sat down as he had something to tell him where he was. He waited patiently for Arin to join him, attempting to find his glasses in the meantime. Arin caught his fingers gliding across the stand at the side of the couch and barely missing his glasses that were sat there. He chuckled, going over and taking Dan's hand to guide it to them. He saw Dan blush a little as he did so.

The game they had been playing last night was still in and ready to go, so they could pick it up straight away. Arin intended to do just that.

"Want to finish those last few episodes now that we're not dead tired? And share this donut while we do so?" he more said to than asked Dan.

"Sure. Might as well get them over and done with. How many more do we need to do?" Dan agreed.

"Uh... Three? Four? Math is hard."

Dan laughed but said nothing more, simply nodding as he gestured for Arin to start recording.

"Hey! Welcome back to Game Grumps!" Arin cried suddenly, replacing his donut with the controller as he decided to leave it for now.

~ a few episodes later ~

"Oh, this donut's gonna start to go stale if we don't eat it soon. Want me to split it?" offered Arin.

He saw Dan's face split into an excited grin as he had obviously forgotten entirely about the donut as well. They were halfway through an episode, but it wasn't like they had ever been professional so stopping briefly to split a donut wasn't a big deal.

"Yeah, go ahead Bi- buddy," replied Dan.

He blushed a little, just stopping himself from using the pet name. He knew that the fans were aware of his "Big Cat" but he didn't want to overuse it - or really at all unless Arin was in distress from a ragey game or something of that caliber, like how he used it before they got together. Arin put down the controller and picked up the donut.

He ripped it in half, not overly bothered by the crumbs which now littered his lap. Dan heard and held out his hand for his half, but Arin had other ideas. He smirked, pulling the donut out of Dan's radius.

"No, open your mouth," he teased.

Dan looked confused.

"Arin, wha-"

"Go on, Avidaniel. I wanna feed it to you."

As soon as the word passed Arin's lips Dan felt his face drain. They were recording an episode; it wasn't just the two of them.

He used the pet name.


"Look, it's not that weird. It'll be funny!" Arin continued, oblivious.

"Arin, you used the pet name."

"What? So, does it matter? Come on, work with me here!"

"Stop the episode."

Finally Arin saw the ghostly white of Dan's face and how freaked out he looked. Without a second thought he leaned forward and stopped the capture, placing down the donut before scooting across the couch closer to Dan.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry," he said in a soft, slightly guilty voice.

Dan waved his apology away with a weak smile as he braced himself, gripping the sides of the couch.

"No, no, it's okay. Just promise me you'll scrap the episode..."

"What? But that episode was a good one. What's bothering you about it?" Arin was a little taken aback by the request.

Dan turned to Arin, on his features painted an expression that couldn't show more discomfort if it tried. He bit his lip a little, searching for the words as he realised he'd finally have to admit it.

"I'm scared, Arin," he said in a small voice.

"Of what?" Arin urged, shuffling closer still and placing a hand on Dan's back comfortingly.

The situation felt strangely similar to last night and Arin couldn't help but feel that they were related. He didn't say anything though, waiting for Dan to speak. He saw the blind man take in a deep breath.

"I'm scared of coming out to the fans. I know that we joke about being gay all the time on the show and... But I don't know how people will react if they find out it's actually true," he said finally.

Arin rubbed circles on Dan's back, holding him close as he admitted something that was obviously hard for him to say. He knew that Dan wasn't accustomed to sharing his worries like this, but it was comforting to hear him let it out.

"Is this what last night was about?" Arin asked when Dan seemed to be finished.

Dan nodded. "You kept saying that you were 'sorry' for something then. What are you sorry for?"

Arin couldn't help but feel like he was talking to a child, but in any case his tone seemed to be working.

"For stopping you from kissing me, or even just touching me, in public. I can tell that it hurts you, but I'm just so scared that people will see..."

"And so what if they do?" Arin interjected, cutting through Dan's shy tones. "I love you, Dan, and you love me. If a fan sees that and doesn't like it, who cares? It's our lives, not theirs. They can go fuck themselves. I'll kiss you a million times in the street before I let a fan tell me who I can and can't love."

As if to prove a point he grabbed Dan's face in his hands and crashed his lips against his. The room melted away and it was just them, two figures floating in an ether of their own love. It was Arin that broke the spell, but not because he wanted it to end.

He just wanted to see that face - the smile he knew would be waiting for him, the gentle pools of hazel barely visible behind a pair of dark lenses and the wild, untamed fro that belonged to his one and only. He only saw it for a second before he was plunged into a sea of that very hair, its owner wrapping him in a grateful hug.

They stayed like that for a while before Arin suddenly remembered what had started this whole ordeal.

"Can I feed you the donut now?"

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