Eleven - Late Night Movie

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It was almost 20 minutes before Arin returned. Dan heard his approach and turned around, raising an eyebrow at his friend.

"How long does it take to send one file? Are you that terrible when it comes to technology?" he joked.

"Ha ha, very funny. No, it was Suzy," Arin said as he sat down next to Dan.


"She called saying that she decided to crash at a friend's house."

"Why? Did something happen?" asked Dan, suddenly worried.

"No, she just said that she was tired from working and it's almost 6, so it's just easier because her friend's house is closer than here."

"Woah, I didn't realise what time it was," Dan mused, "I should really get that app that reads stuff on your phone. I basically haven't used my phone for a week at this point."

"Do you want me to install it quickly?" offered Arin.

Dan pulled out his phone from his pocket and handing it to Arin, telling him the password so that he could get it. A few minutes later Arin handed it back and Dan slipped it back into his pocket. As he did so he heard a strange gurgling beside him. He turned to Arin expectantly, guessing that the sound had come from him.

"That was my stomach. Are you hungry?" Arin explained.

"Yeah, maybe not as much as you from the sounds of it, but I could definitely eat something. What do you have in mind?"


"Sounds good to me."

~ skip to when the pizza arrives, about 20 minutes later ~

Arin thanked the pizza guy and closed the door, two flat square boxes full of heaven in his hands. He placed Dan's in front of him on the coffee table and sat down again. Dan instantly leaned forward and opened the box, carefully taking hold of a slice and bringing it up to his mouth to take a large bite. Arin smiled as some red sauce stained the sides of his mouth.

"Are there any movies you wanna watch? Ones you've seen before that don't really need to be seen as much as heard, maybe?" Arin asked Dan, realising how weird his question was.

To his surprise Dan was open to the idea. Arin remembered sadly the Dan of about a week ago, who would've been disheartened to the point of tears at this kind of reminder that he was blind.

"What you got?" he invited.

Arin went over to where the movies were kept and started to flip through them, selecting ones that he thought would be okay to just listen to and then asking Dan if he had seen them. Once again Arin was surprised to hear that Dan wanted to try one that he'd never seen before.

"I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life never watching new movies, Arin, just because I can't see. It'll be interesting to see what it's like to just listen to a movie, at least until I can watch one with audio-description," was the explanation for his choice.

"Can't argue with that," agreed Arin, putting in the disk and sitting back down.

He flicked off the light as the movie started; it wasn't a particularly dark movie so the light from the screen was enough so that he could actually see his food. For Dan of course, it made no difference.

~ time skip again :) ~

About half way through the movie Dan got up and went to retrieve a blanket to wrap around himself, as he so often did, sometimes even when they recorded if it was cold. Arin paused the movie for him but didn't go with him, confident that he would be fine if he used the cane. Sure enough he returned within a few minutes, the blanket draped over his slender shoulders like a cape.

When he sat back down Arin couldn't help but notice that they were a lot closer together than before. The realisation sent Arin's heart aflutter for some reason and the fuzzy feeling that he'd felt earlier returned. It was almost like a tingling sensation, all over his body. He pressed play again on the movie and tried to focus on what was happening, but it was hard to ignore the close proximity that he was far too socially awkward to point out.

It was made worse when he felt Dan rest his head on his shoulder, using him as a pillow.

"What are you doing?" Arin asked with a small chuckle.

He felt his hands beginning to sweat as the faint smell of Dan's shampoo made its way up his nose.

"Just getting comfy. Does it bother you?" Dan replied.

"N-No, not at all." Arin's voice felt shaky.

He couldn't focus on the movie anymore. All his senses were honed in on Dan, his hair, his face, the way he was curled up in a ball in the blanket. Everything about him was so... adorable.

I've never used that word to describe another guy before. What does it mean? Does it mean anything?

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Arin tried to lower his heart rate. It worked somewhat, but the tingling sensation wouldn't go away. It made him uncomfortable to feel this way, but he couldn't bring himself to move Dan, who looked so happy where he was.

Gradually he started to calm down, thankfully.

"What do you think of the movie?" he asked after a while, the movie having reached a slow point with no dialogue, so he could speak without talking over anything important.

There was no response.


Arin glanced down at his friend. His eyes were shut, his face slack and his lips parted slightly. As Arin listened he could hear slow, rhythmic breathing. He was fast asleep.

Adorable. There's that word again. Oh, here come the tingles. Dammit, why does that keep happening? What's going on?

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