Chapter 19

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"How did you even get some of this stuff?" I asked.

"I went out and caught the fish and I had to be creative with the other stuff." Hook said.

"So you just thought of fish with berries on the side?" I asked.


"You didn't take any girl out here?"

"Now why would I do that?"

"I don't know." I said. "You seem like the type who would just go out with a girl just to sleep with her."

"You got me there." He said. "That's who I used to be."

"You mean that is who you were before you came to Neverland?"


"Do you still want to kill Rumpelstiltskin?"

"I do." Hook said. "But it seems like you have taken over my thoughts of killing him."

"Wow. Never thought I would be in someone's thoughts."

"I mean you're very charming."

"Thank you. Now let's talk about your life."

"I'm a pirate." Hook said. "I'm more interested in yours."

"Are you ever going to let yourself love anyone else besides Milah?"

"Never thought about it." Hook said.

"You just thought that you were going to love just one person in your life?"

"I used to think that."

"Used to?"

"You've changed me."

"In 3 days?"

"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"I don't know." I said. "I mean I guess it could happen. Then again Snow and David seemed pretty in love for just meeting once."

"Okay then."

"I guess you can say I don't trust easily." I said. "I don't trust you for example."

"Because you told Pan where we were and just allowed him to beat me up."

"How was I supposed to know he was going to do that?"

"I don't know."

"I don't see what I did wrong."

"My life has been a living hell since day one. Everyone hates me and I am sick and tired of being beat up. Okay? You don't understand what I go through. No one does!" I screamed. I left the table and went back up to the little house that I built.

"Winter!" I heard Hook scream from behind me.

"What?" I cried.

Hook came closer to me and wiped off the tears that were going down my cheek. "I'm sorry for what you went through, but I will never hurt you."

"That is what they all say until they do, and then I will be the one who looked like a fool for believing them."

"But you can trust me."

"How am I supposed to believe that?"

"Winter, I'm crazy about you." He started. "I don't even know how you're able to have this much control over me."

"But you just met me." I said. "How can you already say that you're crazy about me?"

"Because I have never felt this way before."

"What about Milah?"

"What about her? Yes, I loved her but that is in the past."

"You got a tattoo of her name on you."

"Winter just stop making excuses."


"You do this to yourself when you don't want to feel."

"If I let myself fall for you then I will have a weakness, and that scares the crap out of me."

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm a survivor."

"Okay then." I said. We didn't say anything for the longest time. Hook just stared at me and smiled. "What?"

"I love your smile." I laughed while he got closer to me. He smiled as his lips touched mine. He kissed me passionately and moved away. He stood in a awkward silence for a long time. I looked down at the floor and when my eyes met his again he was close to me. We started kissing again and he started to take my jacket off. Without thought I threw my jacket on the floor. I put my arms around him and he stopped.

"What's this?" He pointed at what the king branded into my arm. I quickly picked up my jacket but he stopped me halfway.

"What's this?" He repeated. I didn't reply. "Do I have to ask you again?"

"No." I said. I stood in silence again.


"A while ago I was captured by some random king and he branded me, so everyone will

know that I'm a thief."

"I love it." He said.

"You're a terrible liar."

"No, I'm not..." He stopped talking.

"Wow never thought you would stop talking."

"Very funny."

He took me back to the table and we had a fun night. We danced, talked and ate the rest of the food.


I woke up to someone screaming.


Winter's Revenge // Peter Pan (OUAT)Where stories live. Discover now