Chapter 6

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Hey guys! I am sorry that I'm not that good at describing what is happening. I am trying my best though! 

Question: Do you guys like Winter's attitude? 

I personally love her attitude. It makes her very different from Snow White. 


"Why did you let me out?" I asked.

"I don't know." Pan said.

"Okay then." I said. We have been walking around the forest for a while when we finally stopped. He looked back at me and smirked. He pulled out a whistle and blew into it. "What is going on?"

"You'll find out." He said. All the lost boys came out of hiding and stood right in front of me.

"This feels like a kidnapping flashback." I whispered.

"We are going to be playing a game." Pan said. "Hide and Seek."
"I loved playing hide and seek!" I said.

"Oh love this isn't the normal hide and seek." He said.

"And who said that I played normally?" I asked. "I played aggressively but my sister didn't like it."

"So you have a sister?" Pan asked.

"Yes." I said. "Just tell me the rules to your game."

"Okay let's first pick teams. Felix and I will be team captains." He said. "Felix you pick first."

"I choose Winter." Felix said. I walked over to Felix and stood behind him.

"Kenneth." Pan said.

"Clay." Felix said.

"Andrew." Pan said.

"It's not even." Clay said.

"Just because they have more players doesn't mean they will win." I said.

"True." Clay said.

"So you guys have a half and hour to build traps for the other team. You have to seek for other opponents and try to get them trapped. Once an opponent is trapped in your trap, he or she can try to run for it, or surrender to the other team." Pan said. "First team with all the players on their team wins. Do you understand Winter?"

"I understand." Winter said.

"Start making traps guys and when you hear the whistle you have to stop." Pan said. "And remember there are no rules to making a trap."

"Since Winter is new I will help her." Felix said. "Everyone start building your traps."

"I already know what I am doing." I said.

"How do you already know?" He asked.

"I know how to play this game." I said. "Don't worry I am not going to try and run away."

"Okay." Felix said.

"You trust me?" I asked.

"I kind of have to. Plus if you run away Pan will find you." He said.

"Oh I know." I said. "See you later."

I start running into the forest and I know what I am going to do. Not even Peter Pan can get out of this one.


I heard the whistle and I stopped what I was doing. I looked over and saw Pan sitting there waiting for someone to walk into his trap. I waited for a few minutes and I got something out of my pouch and threw it at Pan. He couldn't move or talk so I quickly moved him into a tree opening nearby.

Winter's Revenge // Peter Pan (OUAT)Where stories live. Discover now