Chapter 29

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"How the hell did you do all of this?" I asked. Hook had set up a picnic by a little lake on the other side of the island.

"When I'm really passionate about something I go for it."


"Well you saw how I really wanted to kill the crocodile when I first came on the island."

"It was more like your revenge controlled you."

"Have you ever wanted to get revenge so badly that you would do anything to get it?"

"Yes, I have." I said. "Still currently brewing in me."

"What happened?"

"I don't think I can tell you yet."


"Just trust me on this." I said. "It's better that you don't know for now."


"Did you like your fish sandwich?" Hook asked.

"I didn't know that sand on fish can taste so bad." I said. He looked at me with a sad look on his face. "You better get used to me telling you the truth."

"Was it really that bad?"

"It's funny how you just put sand on the back and front of the fish, and you called it a sandwich."

"I didn't think that would happen." He said. "The fish fell on the sand so I just went with it."

"Next time just let me shoot an animal."

"That would have been the better option."

"No kidding."

"No need to be mean."

"I'm not." I said. "You're the one who said that it would be the better option."

"I didn't think that you were going to agree with it."

"Well you apparently don't know me that well."

"I really don't." He said.

"You know me more than a lot of people."

"How do I know you more than other people?" He asked. "I barely know anything about you."

"I don't normally talk about my life to other people." I said.

"Because my life isn't my favorite subject and I don't think other people need to know what's going on in my life."

"Why can't you tell me more about you?"
"Because like I said it isn't a very fun subject for me to talk about." I said. "Look okay I have opened up to you more than anyone in my life. Well except Rumple he knows everything about me."

"How can you open up to him?" He asked.

"He's the only person who has ever been nice to me." I said.

"The Dark One nice?"

"You know him as the dark one and I know him as a father figure."

"He terrorizes people."

"So did you." I said. "You aren't a saint. We've all done things that we regret."

"How long have you been here?"
"I have no clue." I said. "A year maybe?"

"You don't know?"
"Well I didn't exactly keep track of my days here." I said. "All I know is that we only have a month and a half left until we have to help Pan."

"I guess that is an important date."

"It is."

"We always have the most interesting dates."

"This is a date?"

"We have to be able to get to know each other somehow." Hook said. "And I know you like me in your own way."

"Why would you think that?"

"If you didn't then why are you still staying on the beach with me?"

"I guess you're not wrong." I said. "I do like you more than I would like to admit."

"Wow I didn't think you'd actually say it." He said.

"What do you mean?"

"That is all I needed you to say, love." Hook snapped his fingers and revealed himself as Pan.

"You were him the entire time?"

"No, not the entire time." He said. "This whole date was all him. I even saw him put it together but right now he is taking a little nap."

"That's why you were so interested in me." I said. "Usually Hook would just leave it after a while. UGH! I should have realized it was you."

"I guess I'm really that good at acting."

"The liking me part you didn't need to act." I said.

"I didn't need to."

"What do you want now?"
"All I wanted was to hear you say you liked Hook."

"Why would that benefit you."

"In the future it may or may not benefit me."

"Can you just let me be now?"

"No." He said.

I teleported away and I heard him call my name out in the distance. "I really don't care if you like me." I told myself.


"Where have you been Winter?" Hook asked.

"On a date with you."

"What?" He asked.

"Pan you can't fool me twice."

"Was it really that bad?" Pan asked.

"Considering Hook is still sleeping, I would say yes."

"Okay then." 

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