Chapter 18

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"Our date?" I asked.

"Well if I only have 4 months to get you to fall in love with me, we have to go on a date." Hook said.

"Wow I never thought a man could be more bossy than.." I started.

"Than who?"
"No one."

"There you go again." Hook said.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you start to tell me something then you just completely stop."

"I guess you can say that I am a very mysterious person."

"I guess."

"I'm going to go to bed now." I said.

"Okay see you in the morning."


I woke up to Hook making a lot of noise, "What the hell are you doing?"

"If you're going to be practicing your magic out here. You're going to need your own little station."

"My own station?"
"I mean your own room."

"And what happens if Pan comes to see how I am doing?"

"Then just pretend that you're helping him."


"It's going to be okay." Hook put his hand on my shoulder.

"Now here is rule number one. Don't put your hand on me unless you want another hook hand."

"Got it."

"Good." I said. "Now don't think that since we're going on a date that I would be nicer to you."

"Never dreamed of it." Hook smirked.

"Lastly never and I mean never smirk." I said.


"Pan always smirked at me and it creeped me out."

"Consider the smirk gone."


"Anything else your majesty?"

"Don't call me majesty.." I said. "Just leave me alone."

"Okay then."

"Great." I said.


"How's the magic practicing coming along?" Hook walked into the room and got knocked out by one of my fireballs.

"Oops sorry." I said.

"It's fine."

"This spell is harder than it looks."
"It looks like you're really struggling here." Hook laughed.

"Shut up. It's only hard because I don't have enough magic to physically do the spell."

"When will you have the magic?"

"Right before I do the spell." I said. "The sticker is just slowly sucking out all the magic out of Pan."

"Extremely slow."

"See I didn't really need that comment." I said. "I'm trying and when I'm stressed I get mean."

"I don't see how that is different from when you aren't stressed, but okay."

"Just leave me alone." I said. "I need to focus."

"Okay then." Hook said. "Just be ready by 7."

"Why?" I asked. "Right the date."




"Love, are you ready?" Hook asked.

"Yes." I walked out of my room and I saw Hook's jaw drop. He looked up and down at me. "What's wrong?"
"You look amazing." He said.

"Thanks magic does come in handy." I said. I was wearing a light blue long silky dress. "So where are we going?"

"You'll see." Hook smirked.

"What did I say about smirking?"

"That you didn't want me doing it?" Hook smirked again.

"Just take me on this stupid date already." I said.


"So it can be done."

"Love, you already regret it?"

"I regretted whenever I agreed to it."

"I think you're going to regret saying that."

"I don't think that will ever happen..." Hook took me outside and my jaw dropped. He set a table on the beach with a candle on the table.

"Ah you're speechless. Never thought I'd see the day when Winter didn't say anything."

"Shut up Hook." I said.

"Okay then." Hook said. He pulled out the chair for me and then took a seat. "Let's eat." 

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