Chapter 24

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"Just relax and focus." Rumple said.

"Okay, you telling me to relax isn't exactly helping."

"Sorry." He said. "Breathe and take my hand."

I took his hand and closed my eyes, "Now you feel my magic tugging on you?"


"Use it."

"Use your trust in me." He whispered. "Don't focus on the portal, focus on me."

"Focus on you?"

"Okay, focus on my energy. Picture the portal in front of you." He said. "Once you're in your own thought, make sure you're not just using your own magic."

"Okay." I said. I was finally in my own mind but it was like it was a prison. I could still hear Rumple talking to me, but it was faint.

"Believe in yourself." I heard him faintly say. He had too much faith in me but I know that if I didn't do it. I'll be dead and he'll be in limbo. I felt his magic tugging on me and I was able to use his magic. It was very strong but after a while I was able to feel him telling me to come back. He was strong enough to be able to pull me back. I was able to use him to teleport back to the real world. I fell to the ground and I was very weak.

Before I was blacked out I heard him say, "You did great, dearie."

I woke up on a bed and a cloth on my head, "What happened?"

"You did it, Winter."

"I did what?"

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

"What was the last thing you remember?"

"I remember that I left my family to be your helper."

"Damn it."

"I'm joking Rumple, I'm fine." I said. "The spell just made me extremely weak."

"Oh good."


"I thought you forgot half your life."

"No, I remember." I said. "But at first I actually was very confused."

"Why were you confused?"

"Well have you ever come out of your own mind?"


"Then don't ask me about it "

"That dark?"

"You have no idea what I just went through, but thank you."

"For what?"

"For pulling me to come back."

"No problem dearie."

"It was like once I entered my mind I felt safe. I didn't want to come back. I forgot what I had to do and who I was."

"And that's why you were confused in the beginning."

"Yes, and if you weren't there I would be dead."

"And I would be in limbo."

"I don't know if I would be able to live with myself if you had to stay in limbo."

"I wouldn't let you die."

"That's reassuring."

"I actually care about you."

"Thanks, Rumple." I said. "The worst part was when I had to go back through what happened in my life. I never want to do that again."

"Well you might have to later in life."

"I really hope I don't."

"All you have to do is just use your magic and you can call me anytime. Especially if you're in trouble."

"I guess knowing how to do this will help in the future."

"Oh and to be able to be pulled back, you will need to trust the person."


"Well if you don't like or trust them why would you let them pull you back.?"

"That is very true."

"Are you ever going to tell me what happened?"

"Maybe in the future."

~The Present~

"Why are you so eager to practice right now?" Hook asked.

"Well I only ever done this spell once, and that was draining enough. I was very very close to death."

"Why do you want to go through that again?"

"Because I would rather not stay in Neverland." I said. "But maybe it's just me."

"If you die what would happen to Pan?"

"You seem worried... But he will go to limbo too."

"We would be together?"

"No, you guys would be seperated but then again I have never been in limbo." I said. "So who knows maybe you and Pan will become friends."

"I will never be friends with that child."

"I don't blame you." I said.


~Hook's P.O.V~

I stood outside of Winter's cabin and made sure she was safe. I walked around the island just thinking about everything that has happened these last few days. Winter is so different than anyone I have ever met. It isn't like what I felt towards Milah, it was stronger. I couldn't explain it. I only know that I am falling for her and I'm falling hard. I don't know if she feels the same way because she hides her feelings. I want her to be able to feel the same way and I want to be able to keep her from danger.

"Walking around my island I see." Pan stated.

"What do you want Pan?" I asked.

"You." He said. I was knocked out and that is all I could remember. 

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