'You really think she's dead?' She asked.

'She always said, never say it till you actually know,' Murphy smirked slightly; 'So, until I know, I won't say.'


After a long dinner with no eating, Byrd laid on her bunk staring up at the roof; the chatter constant around her. Dante hadn't spoken to her like he had spoken to Clarke, and she guessed it was out of fear for his life. She watched as Clarke opened the parcel left for her, art supplies filling the box.

'Hey, Blondie,' She called; 'Reckon I can steal one of those?'

Clarke looked at her with a small smile, nodding to her before handing her a marker. The Delani girl grinned, rolling onto her knees; quickly beginning to draw on the wall by her bed. She chuckled as a quote came to mind, her hands working quickly to get it onto the wall; better to die fighting for freedom than be a prisoner all the days of your life. Byrd signed it with her tag, flipping off the camera in the corner of the room as she moved to lay down once more; closing her eyes, Murphy's face invading her dreams.

The next morning, Byrd knelt on another bed doing another graffiti work, rock music playing throughout the room. She smirked when she heard Miller's name, turning to look at her boy with grinned widely. She jutted her chin out toward him, earning the same in reply before turning back to the wall. The girl struggled to resist the urge to groan when sirens blared, but she hadn't done anything. She ignored the silence in the room, continuing to draw as Miller walked up beside the bed; watching her. She looked at him with a smirk for a brief second, before turning back to her work.

'You wanna do one of them for me?' He asked.

She scoffed in amusement, 'What? You think I'm giving these out for free?'

'What do you want for one?'

She chuckled, shaking her head as she turned to look at him once more.

'What do you want?' She asked.


'It'll cure my boredom.'

'I want a huge flag with a fist.'

Byrd thought up the image in her head, nodding slowly; 'Yeh, I can do that. Where's your bed?'

He pointed to the one below her own, making her smirk as she nodded.

'You know, I'm bunked above you, right?' She asked.

'That's ok,' He shrugged.

'If you say so.'

Miller nodded with a quick chuckle, turning away to look at his bed before looking back at the tan girl.

'You coming to breakfast?' He asked.

'Nah,' She waved him off; 'I'm gonna get started on your drawing.'

'Suit yourself.'

He smiled at her one last time before he left the room, leaving her be.


'He didn't die cause of a bullet, did he?' Byrd drawled when Clarke walked back into the dorm.

The blonde looked at her for a moment, 'No.'

'Clarke, if you're trying to help us, you're not doing it.'

'How would you know?'

'I know there are people watching us all the time. I know guards patrol these halls waiting for us to escape again. You have to wait until they're vulnerable before you attack.'

Guiltless Sin || John Murphyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن