Chapter 18

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Continuing from Chapter 17
Nova's POV
Dean sighed. "Alright... Ruby's a demon and we thought we killed her..." I stared at him confused. "Why didn't you tell me this?" Sam spoke up, "I'll just tell you the story. You know when the Seven Deadly Sins escaped hell? Well, that's when Ruby showed up. She saved me from Pride, Greed, and Gluttony. Then she told me she could save Dean from his crossroads deal." Dean buts in, "And she couldn't." Sam nods and continues, "So after Dean went to hell, Ruby got me hooked on demon blood, which led me to killing the first demon named Lillith and breaking the final seal, setting Lucifer free. When we realized what happened, we killed her." Sam finished. I slowly nod. "And all this was right before we met..." I trail off. Sam nodded. Dan just sighed. "So, demons and the devil are real?" Joel asked. "Not just them. There's witches, angels, demons, genies, that liked to be called djinns. Uh, vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, skinwalkers, wendigos,  ghouls, khan worms, nachzehrers,  Ōkamis, Rugarus, vetalas, wraiths, reapers,  amazons, Arachnes, banshees, Bisaans, Changelings,  Crocottas,  Elves, Fairies, Familiars, Flying Monkeys, Gorilla-wolves, Kitsunes, Leprechauns, Pishtacos,  Qreens, Rakshasas, Rawheads, Shedims,  Shtrigas, Sirens,  Soul Eaters,  Shōjōs,  Tinks,  Zannas, and that's just a few." Dean said, out of breath. "There's even God and other gods." Sam butted in. Dan sat down. "Wh-what?" I decided to let them process later. "Can we see your security cameras?" I asked. Dan just sat there in shock. "I-I saw their eyes change color...I-I thought it was just a glitch or something." Dan stuttered out. "What color?" Dean demanded. "One was white, the other one was black." he said. Sam and I shared a scared look. I pulled him aside. "White! That either means an angel is helping Ruby, or that Ruby has a very powerful demon on her side. Either way is very deadly." I muttered. "We have to protect this Jemma. There must've been some reason why Ruby went after her." Sam said. "Yeah, but what is it." Dean said, joining them.

3rd Person POV

"Oh, if only you knew." a black haired girl with electric-blue tips smiled.

(So! That is Destiny! I've changed how she looks so don't be alarmed. Sorry for the late update!

Word Count - 381 words

Peace ~Minnowshadow)

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