Chapter 3(Continued)

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Jack and Mark clinked their beer bottles together. After drinking that, Jack knew he reached his level, and he knew Mark passed his. "M-Mark. I-I think you passed y-your l-level." Jack slurred. "Jack! Mark! Come on! It's 11." Bob called. "Mark! Come on! I'll take you with me!" Wade slurred and dragged Mark away. Jack shrugged and walked outside. "Hey, Jack, you know where Mark and Wade are?" Bob asked. "No, not really, Bob. Come on, lets look for them." Jack said, already sobering up. Jack and Bob split up after walking back in. "Hey, Lizzie, Dan! Have you seen Mark or-" Jack was asking the two british youtubers when Bob interrupted him. "WADE!" he yelled, staring into a closet. Jack walked up to Bob. "You found Wade? What about Mark?" Jack asked. "Uh-n-no..." Bob stuttered. Jack, confused, pushed back Bob to see Wade and Mark, shirts off, and looking embarrassed. "W-what's h-happening?" Jack asked. "He's cheating on you, Jack." Bob answered. "I-is this true, Mark?" Jack asked the red-haired man. "Y-yes, J-Jack." Mark lowered his head. Jack stumbled back, he felt his Flashback medicine start to wear off.

( *this is the flashback thing* )

*"YOUR'E CHEATING ON ME! I KNEW IT!" Jack's mother, Sarah, yelled at Jack's father, Oisin. "M-Mom, D-Dad, p-please stop." Jack's younger brother, Thomas cried. "That's it! You will leave this house right now!" Oisin ordered. "Fine! I'm taking Thomas and Saulius with me!" Sarah growled, grabbing Thomas and Jack's older brother, Saulius with her out the door. "Jack... Jack...Jack..."*

"JACK!" Jack jolted awake to see Dan's and Lizzie's faces in his vision. "He's awake!" Lizzie smiled. "What happened, Jack?" Dan asked, helping his fellow youtuber up. "I-Its a flashback. I-I took my medicine. What happened?" Jack asked. "Well, you know how you and Mark where dating?" Dan awkwardly asked. "Yeah." Jack answered. "He cheated on you." Felix bluntly said. "O-oh." Jack stuttered. "W-where are they?" Jack asked. "They left, you where out for a day." Lizzie finally spoke. "Oh." Jack said again.

(I was watching Jack while writing this! And, I'm going to update this story every day with a couple new chapters)

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