Kai Smith #2 }} The Lego Ninjago Movie

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Kai's reaction when he finds out you were the Quarterback on the football team.


(Dont judge I don't know much about football😂)

To Y/N, feminism was a issue when it came to sports. Ninjago High's football team wasnt all that good. So being good at it, you decided to try out without telling your friends, who were labeled as 'Dork squad' by Chen. But as soon as you stepped on the field, you were kicked off. You gave the coach quite the mouthful. You pointed and said it was probably because of who your friends where. The coach declined and said it was because you were a female. You then poked about Chen, and how he was a Cheerleader. The coach said it was different. You took the ball straight from his hand and chucked it across the field. Suprising him.

Suddenly you were allowed to try out. And you beat the boys. Every running drill, catching and throwing drill, you did better than everyone.

So when you found out you had made the team, and you smirked and side eyed the coach. In fact, the the first practice went extremely well. However, you asked the coach and your team if you could keep it a secret, until you felt comfortable telling the entire school, and pretty much everyone in Ninjago.

Kai was ecstatic about the Homecoming game, considering he loved sports. But neither you or your friends were going to the Dance. You guys weren't exactly welcome, and you didnt want the drama. But your football team kept telling you you should, they had become brothers to you. They had respected your wish after you kept declining, annoyed of the constant asking if you were going.

But tonight, it was the Homecoming football game. Your football team had never won a Homecoming game, and you were determined to make it happen.

Y/N's P.O.V

I walked into my school building, and holy crap if this wasnt school spirit I dont know what is. Everyone was in such a great mood. This weeks homecoming spirit week was super hectic, but today was school spirit day. Pretty much wearing school colors or merch or even sport or club shirts. I had tie-dyed a white v-neck shirt with our school colors and had on white Jean's. Our colors were white, pink and blue after all. I had blue converse, and I put blue and white coloring in my hair. I actually did eye shadow for once and it wasnt even good. Just simple pink ombre on my lid and blue on my lower last line.

"Y/N!" I heard my coach yell. I turned to him and smiled.

"Hey, coach. You need something?"

"Your planning on revealing who you are, right?" He asked.

"I think so." I said, I was pretty nervous about it though.

"Ok, see you after school." He said, skipping away. I will never get that guy. I continued down the hall to my locker. I wasnt suprised to see all my friends there. Kai looked so enthusiastic. He had on a pink shirt with blue pants and white shoes. Lloyd had on a blue jacket with a pink t-shirt under and white pants and shoes. Jay had on all blue, same with same but with white shoes. Cole had on a blue muscle tee and white pants and shoes. Nya had on a blue leather jacket with a pink tee under, her normal blueish Jean's and white shoes. Her hair was the same but a white scrunchie held it up instead of a black one. And then there was me, with so much school spirit I'm sure people would ask if I was a Cheerleader.

"Hey Y/N!" Nya called over. She was the only one who knew of my crush on her brother. Everyone looked at me.

"Well, looks like someone wanted to one-up the Cheerleaders." Lloyd joked. Me and him had a very goofy, sibling like relationship.

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