Lloyd Garmadon #3 }} Masters of Spinjitzu (Series)

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Takes place after season 9. All fake I dont know what happens obviously.


Lloyd when he cant find you after the battle is over.


3rd Person P.O.V

Y/N had been there ever since the beginning. She was Lloyd's age when they found her, or the age he was. She had F/E (Favorite element) What both of them didnt know was that they each had feelings for each other.

However, after the events with the Grendel, things got more complicated. Lloyd had aged. And Y/N had only got more of a crush on the now super hot older Ninja.

Sadly, after the events with Kai, Nya and their parents, Wu was lost. A long time had passed, and the Ninja were called by Lloyd.

The battle against the Sons of Garmadon lasted longer than hoped. And Y/Ns feelings crushed after she found out about Lloyd and the princess, Harumi.

Sadly, she got trapped in the Oni Realm with Cole, Zane, Jay, Kai and Baby Wu. But when they left, Y/N had been left. The Dragon Hunters had tomorrows tea, and used it on her. Then she was Lloyd and the rest of the Ninja's age. But she had escaped on the back of her F/E Dragon. And was back in Ninjago.

Lloyd's P.O.V

We had been searching forever, and Y/N was nowhere to be seen. Jay, Kai, Cole and Zane said they didnt see her escape the Oni Realm.

 Jay, Kai, Cole and Zane said they didnt see her escape the Oni Realm

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I had just finished searching my part of town.

"No sight of Y/N. I guess shes stuck in the Realm." I said on com, sadly.

"Dont say that Lloyd! She'll be back." Nya said.

I had told them that I liked Y/N, maybe even loved, when I was a kid. I guess Harumi was a distraction, but it still hurt.

"She tamed a Dragon, maybe it will bring her back." Cole said. Then a roar came, and a Dragon was flying through the sky. We all followed it and it landed on top of a building.

"Guys. I dont think that's Y/N." Kai said.

Y/Ns P.O.V

"Guys. I dont think that's Y/N." I heard Kai say. I breathed in and out. I hopped off the Dragon. I turned around and faced the team.

"Who are you?" Lloyd asked. I took off my mask and gasps were heard.

"Y/N?" Nya asked.

"Yeah." I said approaching them.

"What- what happened to you?" Jay said.

"The Dragon Hunters turned me old with some Tomorrows Tea they stole." I explained. I looked at Lloyd and saw him gobsmacked. I did mature, a lot. Same thing that happened to him. More defined feature, puberty, bigger muscles, and I did hit body puberty for a girl.

"Not bad." Nya said, smirking at me.

"We'll let Lloyd explained what happened while you were gone. Meet us at the Bounty when your done." Kai snickered. And they were off.

"You look beautiful." Lloyd said blushing.

"Heh, thanks. It's weird, but it feels good to be your guys age now and taller." I added smiling slightly.

"Yeah. Feels good to finally grow."

"Hows Harumi?" I asked. He looked down.

"I dont know. But she was a distraction for me, I wasnt able to see that till she stabbed us in the back." He said.

"I distraction for what?" I asked, tilting my head.



"Yeah, you."

"Why me?" I asked, confused.

"I guess I always liked you. But then I turned older and things took a complicated turn." He said. He liked me?

"Do you still like me?" I asked, but knowing the answer.

"I - uh - um - yes." He stumbled, looking at me up and down. His eyes reached mine. I leaned in and kissed him. Before he had time to react, I pulled back.

"I like you too." I smiled. His face lit up and he grabbed my waist pulling me against him, and kissed me. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. We pulled apart and rested our foreheads together staring in each other eyes, smiling like crazy. I played with the ends of his hair, then brought my hand to the front to push the bangs away.

And that my friends was the start of me and Lloyd's relationship.

"Aw Lloyds first girlfriend and kiss! Quick, take a picture!"


Phew! I've had this one just sitting there and I forgot I had almost finished it! More coming soon!!

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