Chapter Nine - Where Did It Go?

Start from the beginning

But Luc didn't bite. His head dipped under the hood and he plugged the jumper cables. He'd have to start his car now, and I'd have to do my part.

"My door won't open," I shouted into the rain.

That got his attention to settle on me again. "What do you mean, it won't open?"

I granted the road another glance, a shiver slithering through my back. Strangely, the tingling sensation I'd experienced before had disappeared.

"I...uh... I don't really know. I saw this creepy thing in my mirror... and then the car locked on me. My keys are inside."

His tone went flat. "Really, this creepy thing? You might need to elaborate a little."

"Huge blue eyes, bald head and no hair on the rest of the body, torso and limbs. My dad says it might have been a skinny bear, but I don't believe it. It's always on two feet."

Luc wiped the water down the sides, exposing a tense mouth. I was seized at the intensity of those green peepers, just shimmering and unreal. He laid an arm down on the metal frame.

"You've seen it before?"

I rubbed the space between my brows, where the ache had moved away to. "Yeah... once in the woods where I got lost. It chased me and I can't remember how I got away. It's weird."

"Ever heard of sleepwalking, Sunshine?" he asked.

"Sleepwalking is for people who fall asleep. I was fully awake—and stop calling me that, you're annoying!"

"Hey, what can I say?" He shifted his weight further into his arm. "I'm not a doctor, but maybe you're overreacting. I wouldn't put it past you. No animal fits that ridiculous description in these woods."

Of course, he thought I was crazy. I know what I saw twice now. "You think I'm hallucinating creatures? You know what, screw you."

"Be mad if you want. The mind can play tricks on you. Are you off your meds? Do you need therapy?"

One day, I'm going to punch him and it'll have been a long time coming.

"Fine," I snapped. "If I'm crazy then how did my car just suddenly lock itself up?"

He pushed off the bumper with purpose. In three quick strides, he reached over to the handle, and it yielded to the pull. His expression sobered, as blank as a white sheet of paper. All I could do was gawk.

"I know a good shrink," he said. "You sure you don't want his number?"


I'd stood there for a second, wondering if maybe everything was really getting to my head. But still, so many things were left unexplained—too many things... Why would I start imagining stuff after moving?

I'd regretted thinking that out loud. Luc had said it must be the stress. He didn't know what he was talking about.

The battery started after all. He'd smiled warmly and thanked me for wasting his time as I drove off. I got home and double-locked the doors, then secured all the windows. All I could picture was that creature standing right outside the house, staring, waiting for an opportunity...

I slowed as I found Dad asleep on the couch, his phone in his loose hand. Somehow, the sight reminded me to breathe.

I picked up a blanket and set it over him, then took off his glasses and placed them gently on the coffee table. I jumped into the shower and changed into comfy pajamas. Sleep would not come tonight. I was so tense that I couldn't think of doing anything that might distract me from monitoring the house. For once, I wished I had eyes behind my head.

I ended up cleaning the living room and the kitchen to get my mind off it. By morning, I'd gotten a few mere hours of sleep, but not nearly enough. Dad commented on how the house was promptly squeaky clean, then offered a ride to school. I gathered my hair in a ponytail and skipped down the porch with my bag.

He waited for me outside, staring weirdly at the car, hands on his hips.

"What's going on?"

He lifted his head to me, appearing upset. "Is there something you're not telling me about last night, young lady?"

My shoulders hunched. How could he know something happened?

"What do you mean?"

He pointed at one of the stop lights, but it was out of my sight. I stopped next to him. Nausea churned in my stomach. The area had been dented in, as if someone had pitched a giant rock at it. But that wasn't the most unsettling thing.

Approaching the rear, I made out fine scratch marks. Not the big ones that would indicate huge claws, no. It looked more like the work of a small, sharp tool or... pointy fingernails.

My heart raced, and I wiped my sweaty palms along my jeans. Did it actually follow me and mark our SUV while we were in the house? Or was this done before I even left Luc on the road? 


Let me know your thoughts on the Riley-Luc dynamic so far and if the story is coming on nicely ! 

Also if anyone's wondering about if there's a love triangle story in this ima stop you right there. There ain't. 

The Skylar Experiment : BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now