Confide In Me

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"Alright I got the dip, I got the chips, popcorn, beer, wine, Pepsi, water, pizza and wings coming at ten, that's it right?" I double check the refreshments for the New Years party tonight.

"Yeah your totally on top of this Harper!" Maddy piped, scratching Lolly on his stomach. That was our new dog's name. Don't ask the significance of the name, couldn't tell ya.

"I'm so glad we don't have to host parties." Brie sighed with relief, leaning against Daniel.

"Just wait until two get to do the honors." Roman teased.

"Or so you think." Daniel shot back.

"People are gonna start to be here at 6. Your parents are picking the kids up right?" I asked Seth, who nodded.

I packed the kids diaper bag and then bundled them up. I took a nice hot shower and changed into a black jumpsuit.

His parents had arrived when I came back down. Ethan and Hope were already strapped in their carriers, so I kissed them goodbye and off they went.

They loved their grandparents so much.

AJ and Punk brought Larry to play with Lolly. AJ had a shimmery silver dress on, with black chucks. Punk had a flannel shirt and jeans on.

"Parties starting to kick off guys.." I announced.

"Hey baby!" JoJo walked in the door wearing a black body con dress. She headed over to Roman, and they began making out.

Nikki and Dolph were coordinating, she had a red dress on and he was wearing a black tux with a red handkerchief in the pocket.

"I'll get the music! Taking me back to my DJ Days!" Dolph tan up to the dance floor area , (I just moved the living room furniture), and blasted disco music.

Everyone else worked their way to the dance floor, while I took the kids outside and we waited for their grandparents to pick them up.

"Have fun kiddos! I'll see you tomorrow! Love you!" I waved as they drove off. I headed back inside and saw the place already trashed.

Well little does anyone know, whoever spends the night helps clean up in the morning.

After hours of dancing, throwing back beers, chatting with as many people as I can, the pizza arrives.

It's quiet for a few seconds as everyone that's drunk chows down, then it starts back up again.

I go into the bathroom and jump when I see Maddy sitting on the floor, head leaning over the toilet.

"Puking was one of the worst things about pregnancy." I grimaced, going over and holding her hair back.

"Yeah," She sighed, leaning back against the wall. "Tell me about it."

"Here drink this water!" I grab a water bottle off the counter and hand it to her.

She shakes her head no, "Dean peed in that."

"Ew!" I drop it, washing my hands afterwards.

"Your really drunk then," Maddy giggled. "I guess I'm drunk on water."

"Hey, your gonna be the only one tomorrow not waking up with an excruciating headache." I pointed. "Feel free to laugh at us."

"And take pictures." She adds, making me raise an eyebrow.

"Kidding kidding!" She winked.

"Let me know if you need any help." I say, patting her back before leaving.

Now time to partayyyyyyyy!
We were watching the New Years Eve performances and dying of laughter when Mariah Carey came back to renew her bad performance from a couple years ago.

She was still bad. But at least we got some entertainment.

During this time Dolph and Dean restocked the coolers. I watched Seth as he was chatting with Roman.

Once JoJo returned however, he was quick to leave. Already knowing what was gonna happen. We locked eyes and he made his way over to me.

"Hey Harper," he nudged my side. "Haven't seen much of ya tonight."

"Well between comforting my sick pregnant friend, making sure JoJo and Roman don't have sex in my house, and getting drunk, I've been a little busy." I smirk.

"Well, I'm glad your still having a good time. You deserve it." He hands me a beer and we clink ours together.

"Yeah.." I trailed, looking out into the sea of faces. "We both do."

"More so you than me, you've got two kids to raise," Seth chuckled.

"Yeah, but you have a TBI, so we're both deserving of a relaxed night." I added.

"Point taken...Looking out and seeing our friends, I'm glad they're all happy and with people who make them happy." Seth said, pointing to Nikki and Dolph, who were laughing together. Brie and Daniel were in the corner eating some appetizers. Roman and JoJo were grinding in the middle of the dancing crowds.

"But sometimes you can be happy but also be hiding your pain internally." I sighed. "Like with Spencer's death. I knew I had to be strong for my kids."

He frowned, "I know you did, but your allowed to grieve too. Let your emotions out every once and a while."

"I feel like nobody else can understood losing someone that shared your heart. It feels like half of mine got ripped away when he died." I look down at my feet.

"He was my brother, trust me I know..why did you never talk to me about it?" He turned to face me now.

"That's the reason why..I don't know, I didn't wanna make you feel even worse!" I exclaimed.

"Well you would never. Ever." He tilted my chin upwards so we were eye to eye.

"Harper I-I," He began, his hand beginning to stroke my cheek.

"TEN! NINE!" Everyone screaming made us snap from our conversation.

"EIGHT! SEVEN!" Nikki and Dolph got closer. Maddy and Dean were cuddled on the couch.

"SIX! FIVE!" Roman and JoJo stopped grinding and wrapped their arms around one another.

"FOUR! THREE!" Seth turned my face back to him and looked at me. I didn't know what sort of look he was going for, but there was a voice in my head telling me to do what I knew I always wanted too.

"TWO! ONE!" Seth and I connected our lips and suddenly everyone else in the room vanished.

It was just me and him.

Eventually we stopped to take a breath, and the party had resumed. Streamers were thrown everywhere in the room, and everyone was chanting '2020'.

Happy New Year.

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the gang celebrated new year!! Harper and Seth had a lil something going onnn 👀and Maddy is dealing with annoying pregnancy symptoms🤮🤣thanks for reading :) 💛

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