Forever Dreaming Of You

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Tonight was bittersweet. For many reasons.

For starters, Maddy and I both decided to drop out of the tournament, due to her going on her honeymoon, and I wanted to get back home. I felt like it'd be more practical for Ethan and Hope to get back into a routine at home.

Speaking of Maddy, her and Dean left this morning for two weeks. They were honeymooning in Cabo. I told them how jealous I was.

Seth left for Japan last night too. I was very happy for him, but I was going to miss that idiot so much.

Said he wouldn't be back until Christmas.

I was back in London, at home. The kids were watching cartoons, and I was making dinner.

Pumpkin was running around the house, happy to be back home.

Hunter had asked me if I wanted my interviewing job again, but I told him not at the moment. I just wanted to stay at home and be with my babies.

"I miss you already Harperrrrrrr!" Maddy whined through the phone. We were on FaceTime at the moment.

"I miss you too, but I'm glad you guys are having fun!" I smiled, stirring the pot roast I made.

"We are! Dean and I rode horses on the beach at was beautiful." She grinned. "Pretty sure tomorrow we're going snorkeling."

"Sounds fun.." I laughed. "Take loads of pictures."

"Oh I will!" She nodded. "Where are the babies?"

"Watching Elmo, they're obsessed." I switched the camera so Maddy could see them.

"I'm bringing back some souvenirs for you and them! Give them kisses and hugs from their godparents, Alright? Love youuuu!" Maddy kissed the phone screen then hung up.

I'm glad they were having a good time and relaxing. They deserved it, after everything that had happened.

Lily was all moved in to their home in Vegas with Ellie. She applied to a few jobs around, wanting to save up for her own place one day. We were all happy for her.

Everybody had seemed to get their life back on track. Considering the recent events.

Now it was my turn to do the same.
A week later..

"Night Ethan, I love you.." I whispered as I turned his light off. I had finally gotten him to fall asleep, so I had placed him in his crib.

Hope had fallen asleep an hour ago, and I had both baby monitors on.

I went downstairs and began washing the dishes. While it was 8:30pm in London, it was 1:30pm in Cabo. Maddy usually called me around 3. So I was anxiously trying to pass the time till then.

After loading all the dishes back in the cupboards, I had just sat down on the couch when the doorbell rang.

I looked in the peephole, seeing Cathy and Finn standing outside.

I excitedly opened the door, "What're you doing here guys?!"

"Came to visit for a few days! Missed you and the kiddos." Finn smiled.

"Well I'm glad you could make it. Sadly they're asleep." I revealed, shutting and locking the door once more.

"That's fine, so Harper, how are you?" Cathy asked, as we walked into the kitchen. I poured us mugs of coffee.

"I'm doing great..loving just spending time with the kids." I grinned.

"I bet.." Finn nodded. "We had to leave our dog Rex back home, and we already miss him."

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