Paris Night Life And Exes

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"I can't believe you made us wear these.." I grumbled, looking down at my outfit.

"Cmon, we have to get in the spirit!" Seth scoffed.

He bought us all matching onesies, including Ethan and Hope, and forced us to wear them. Dean was the least willing, so Seth paid him and he obliged.

"I'm taking this off after we take photos." Maddy said as we left the hotel. We took a shuttle to the Eiffel Tower. I was so excited to go back, this time with the babies.

They won't remember it, but I can tell them they went to Paris when they were two months.

When the shuttle stopped, we were right infront of the tower. We came early in the morning so it wasn't busy.

"Picture time!" Seth squealed, running off first.

"Dork." Dean muttered as we followed him.

We all got our photos taken, me with the twins, me and Maddy, me and Dean, me and Seth, and we set a self timer for one of all of us.

Which turned out bad but oh well..after we took the elevator up to where the restaurant was. Which I didn't even know there was a restaurant, but Seth had googled it.

"Wow, this is fucking amazing." Maddy gasped, looking out at the view. It was gorgeous, indescribable.

We ordered coffee and muffins, which were super expensive. While we waited, I fed the babies.

"So what's going on the rest of today?" Seth asked.

"Well Maddy and I are gonna train for a little bit, then Hunter invited us to dinner later on." I explained.

"Pretty sure it's to tell us our opponents on Monday." Maddy guessed.

"So we're watching the kids?" Dean frowned.

"Hey, their your godchildren!" Maddy scoffed.

"Besides you can take them around the city!" I added.

"Your lucky you guys are in a tournament and need to train.." Seth sighed.

We ate our food then said bye, heading to the training school. We found out a few indie wrestlers were gonna be there, such as Paige's mom. She was touring around the area as well, so I was excited to see her again.

Turns out Nikki and Brie were also there training as well. We ended up stretching and then ran some drills with them.

They told us they were being added in the tournament as well, so Maddy and I knew they could possibly be our opponents Monday.

"Girls, we should go out tonight! I know a VIP nightclub we can go too!" Nikki grinned.

"I don't know..Maddy and I went out last night.." I trailed.

"Cmon please?! Daniels watching Birdie so I'm free!" Brie pleaded.

"Alright when you say that, I'm sure the boys won't mind watching the kids for a little longer." I giggled.

We resumed training and then parted ways till later. Dean was coming with us, and Seth was gonna take the twins to Daniel's room so they could hang out.

I showered and changed into a black dress that stopped right above the knees. I slipped on sandals and a light jacket then met up with Maddy and Dean.

I kissed the babies goodbye and thanked Seth once again for watching them, before we left.

"Hey Brie, are we gonna see Brie Mode?!" I exclaimed, as we met them in the lobby. A camera crew was following them around, and I figured it was for one of their shows.

What Could've Been |Sequel To Untold Secrets|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن