The City Of Love

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Thankfully she took an empty seat in the back, but I knew I'd have to talk with her when we stopped.

"Why do you think she's here?" Maddy asked.

"I don't know..quite frankly I don't care, but I don't need her stalking us." I grumbled.

"Well I'm sure we'll figure it out after. Let's just relax and maybe sleep." Seth suggested.

I closed my eyes and began drifting off to sleep. Only waking up to feed the twins, then rocked them back to sleep. And then I did the same.

Seth shook us all awake when we were twenty minutes away. We looked out the window and it was so beautiful. All the cars passing by, the cafes on every corner, we even saw a mime.

"Have you guys ever been to Paris?" Maddy asked us.

"I have only once..with Uh, Spencer. He surprised me for my birthday a few months back." I frowned.

Maddy grabbed my hand, "Well I'm glad we're all here to experience Paris again. And with Ethan and Hope." Everyone smiled down at them.

" too." I nodded. Seth looked at me to make sure I was okay, and I was. I just missed Spencer so much.

When the train arrived in the station, we gathered our things and got off. I gave Maddy the stroller to watch while I waited for Margaret.

"Hi honey! Aren't you excited to be in Paris together?!" She exclaimed, rushing over to me.

"Here's the thing, your not following us around. I will call the police if I see you outside our hotel. Have a good day, bye." I said politely before walking back to the group.

"Seriously Harper?! That's all? I'm your mother for fucks sake!" She yelled after me. That woke the twins up, and they began crying.

I turned around angrily, "Your making my babies cry! And your making a scene. So please get back on that train and leave! I don't want you here!"

She scoffed, "I'm their grandmother! They deserve to know who I am!"

"No they don't. And they wouldn't want too anyways. So Margaret, please leave. Or we'll call the police." Maddy stepped up beside me.

"Who the hell is this bitch? Telling me what to do? Nobody does that!" Margaret screamed.

Dean flagged over the police standing nearby and after talking with them, they arrested her and took her away.

I sighed in relief, "Thank you guys. Sorry you had to see that."

"Don't be sorry. That woman deserves to rot in jail." Maddy grumbled.

Seth had calmed down the kids, and we headed out to our car that was waiting for us, and went to the hotel.

We all shared a huge suite on the top floor. Three different bedrooms and bathrooms, a living room, kitchen, and a main bathroom. So you can say it was definitely nice.

The first thing I did was change Ethan and Hope's diaper then let them play around and stretch.

I was unpacking a little bit when the door opened slowly. It was Seth.

"Hey..just checking to see if everything was alright?" He asked, closing the door behind him.

"Yes. Everything's fine. The babies are happy to be out of the stroller." I laughed, motioning to where they were rolling around.

"Oh I bet," Seth chuckled. "But I was talking about you, Harper. It wasn't easy confronting your mother like that."

"Oh ya know, I'll get over it. Just glad she was taken away." I sighed. "Just as soon as she got the twins crying, I snapped. Nobody makes my kids upset like that. Ever."

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