Please Behave Yourself

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"His name is really Roman?" Seth's mother asked.

"Yes mom," Seth groaned beside her. We somehow all fit in the mini van he rented for the trip. It went Seth's dad who was driving, Punk in the passenger, Me and the kids in the first row, and then AJ, Larry, Seth and his mom in the back.

"How about we play I spy?!" AJ suggested. Everyone got quiet.

"Or not.." She frowned, pulling her phone out. I gave Ethan and Hope my phone and Seth's to watch cartoons on. Only for fifteen minute intervals every two hours, I don't want them watching it too often.

"Why didn't we fly like Maddy and Dean?" I wondered.

"Because this is what road trips are all about! The experience!" Seth exclaimed.

"Sure.." We all muttered. Most of us fell asleep while the rest stayed up and jammed out to music. We stopped at a gas station after a couple more hours.

Seth and his dad stayed outside to pump gas while the rest of us got out. Me and AJ carried the kids inside to get snacks.

Punk took Larry for a walk, and Seth's mom was by the car doing stretches. No clue why. We didn't ask though.

Cathy and Finn texted me and said they were already in Florida. They flew. I didn't mention it to Seth though because he was really excited that we were all riding together.

Once we all piled back in the car, passed out the snacks, we jammed to Punks playlist. He had some good music for sure.

The sun was just beginning to come up when we arrived in Florida. Had approximately two more hours until we were in Tampa.

I let Roman know, and he said pretty much everyone else was already here. Either staying in a hotel nearby or in one of his many guest rooms.

We all began talking about who was going to host Christmas. Finally settled on Cathy and Finn, none of us had seen their house in NYC yet. Plus New York is so beautiful in the winter.

I called dibs on New Years, I knew how to plan a party. AJ and Punk are the co party planners for the people who don't drink.

When we arrived in Tampa, we were all excited to get out of the damn car. I knew Ethan and Hope were too. It was almost 10am and we were all starving.

Roman better be ready for us.

We parked in his driveway and just stared at his mansion. Six car garage. Pool, hotub out back. Four story house. We saw a huge chandelier in the window.

We all got out of the car and two butlers ran outside. They grabbed all of our bags and told us they'd leave our bags in our designated rooms.

I carried Ethan and Hope inside, even more shocked when I saw what the parlor looked like. We all were informed to take our shoes off, and we obviously obliged.

The butlers said Larry was only allowed to stay on the fourth floor, which was just the guest room floor only.

We all headed up there and saw Roman , our friends and his family waiting for us. JoJo, Joelle, Cathy, Finn, Nikki, Dolph, Brie, Daniel, Birdie, Winston, and Josie were there.

I made sure to hug everyone and thank Roman for hosting us. Met his mom and dad, and his older brother. Roman told all of us that him and JoJo were officially dating. Everyone was happy for him.

He showed us all to our rooms, and mine was complete with two cribs, a king size bed, and a walk in bathroom and closet.

"Dirty towels leave on the floor, don't worry about making the bed or anything, maids will do that. Any other questions let me know or press this button." Roman points to a buzzer on the wall.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Speaker connected through the whole house. One of our maids or butlers will respond to you immediately." He answered.

"Well I'll leave you all to relax for a few. Lunch is at 1:30. Meet in the dining room. See you then." Roman explained before heading back downstairs.

His parents and Seth's followed him, and the butler put up the doggie gate for all three pups.

Brie and Nikki were playing with the twins and Cathy was reading Birdie a story. I needed a nap, figured it was the perfect time to take one.

I shut my door and laid down in the bed, it was so comfortable. The sheets were silk. I fell asleep instantly.

I must've still been asleep at 1:30 because suddenly a piercing sound began ringing throughout the whole house. I jumped out of bed and opened my door, seeing Finn and Seth come out of their rooms confused too.

We all stumble down the stairs and walk into the dining room, seeing everyone else seated and waiting to eat.

"Glad to see you all woke up. Please join us." Roman smiled. Our names were placed at certain seats, and mine was thankfully at the side, right next to Ethan and Hope.

"Dean called and said they'd be here by dinnertime, so we'll have two more guests." Roman told us as the butlers came out wheeling trays.

They set a delicious looking salad and sandwich infront of us, along with a water and coffee.

"So is Mr Dick staying here too with his brainwashed wife?" Punk asked, taking a bite out of his sandwich. I spit out my food, and the rest of them tried not to laugh.

"Yes, the room closest to the stairs. I trust you'll behave yourself.." Roman eyed him.

"I always do, Reigns. Always." Punk winked.

"AJ might have to tighten that leash." Seth joked.

"That just gave me some ideas.." AJ trailed, smirking at her husband. We all made barfing sounds, "Please not at the table." Finn shook his head.

After eating and finishing our coffee, we all got up. AJ and Punk went to the gym located on the first floor. Finn and Cathy went with Brie and Daniel to take the dogs for a walk. Nikki, Dolph and Seth were chatting amongst themselves, and I took the kids back upstairs.

Bathed and changed them in fresh clothes. I had just gotten back downstairs when the doorbell rang.

Roman rushed down the hall towards the door.

"Who is it that's so important?" I wondered.

"It's Hunter and Stephanie." He answered, opening the door..

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Uh oh, Hunter and Stephanie have arrived. I wonder what sort of trouble they'll cause👀also who's excited for the gang to celebrate thanksgiving??? Thanks for reading :) 💛

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