Dream On

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"We have to go right now there's a car on its way it should be here in ten minutes or so-" I ranted, throwing clothes in my suitcase.

"Harper, I know your freaking out, we all are, but you need to calm down." Maddy advised, before helping me pack the kids bags.

Maddy held Pumpkin, Dean carried Ethan and I carried Hope into the car that picked us up.

On the way, Maddy was on the phone with the Davenport hospital, talking more about his condition.

I leaned my head against the window and cried  all the way to the airport. There was a private plane provided for just us, so we loaded on and took off.

The kids were sleeping and Dean was cuddling with the dog. Maddy sat down beside me and wrapped me in a hug.

"Maddy, I can't lose him. Tell me I won't lose him!" I sniffled, leaning against her shoulder.

"Harper, whatever happens, I'll be here for you. And so will Dean." She muttered in my ear.

"Everything was fine yesterday. I should've gone with him!" I growled.

"Harper listen to me, and listen now. Spencer is a tough guy, he will get through this. And he will fight. Because he loves you. And he loves Ethan and Hope." Maddy vows.

"Your right. I-I just don't know what to do." I stuttered.

"You need to just be there for him, and wait. That's all we can do." She grabs my hand and hold it tightly.

"Thank you Maddy. Thank you." I give her a small smile.

She wipes my tears before instructing me to sleep. I closed my eyes and drifted off...

I snapped my eyes open, looking around. I was in a field covered with sunflowers. The sun was shining down on me, skies were blue. I was wearing a white dress.

"Harper..turn around.." I heard a voice whisper. I turned and saw Spencer infront of me.

"Spencer! Your alright!" I screamed, rushing into his arms. He spun me around before setting me back on my feet, giving me a kiss.

"I'm hanging in there. I'm certainly not giving up without a fight." He caressed my cheek.

"Wait..so am I dreaming?" I frowned. Everything felt so real.

"Yes you are..but I'm glad your thinking of me. Like this. We always loved sunflowers." Spencer grinned.

"I-I'm on the way to you, right now. I'll be there soon. So just don't give up..okay?" I said.

"Now I've got something to fight for." He smiled. "Listen Harper, there's some things I want to tell you.."

"Tell me? Well you can tell me when you wake up and we go back home." I said.

"No, these, are Uh, important things." He corrected. "I just want you to tell Ethan and Hope, that I loved them so much, and they were one of the best things to happen to me."

I started crying when he said that.

"You make it sound like your leaving..and you can't! Please don't!" I cried. He pulled me to his chest, whispering the rest in my ear.

"Tell then that they can grow up to be whatever they want to be. And I'll be proud of them. Tell them to find happiness in the little things, don't stress out over any boys or girls, you'll know when the right one comes along. And if you ever need me, just know I'll always be there, watching over you."

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