Welcome To New York..

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A few weeks later...

I think I had heard Mickey Mouse clubhouse enough for a million lifetimes today. The kids had been grumpy which meant a little bit more TV time than usual.

What ended up getting them to finally nap was Maddy FaceTiming with them. I sighed in relief once I closed their bedroom doors.

"You look like you need a stiff drink." Maddy commented.

"About a thousand." I grumbled. "I could pass out right now."

"Go ahead and take a nap, I'm cleaning anyways." Seth said from the kitchen.

Since he had moved in, he had definitely pulled his weight around. Paid the cable bill, bought groceries, and cleaned whenever it began getting messy again. It was nice having an extra set of hands around.

There was a few more days left until he would move out and into his own place, which I was kind of sad about. I'd miss my nightly cuddles with Kev, I'd miss taking naps and waking up to dinner already made.

I guess I'd just miss..him. But I knew he wouldn't miss sleeping on the couch.

Maddy and I FaceTimed everyday, very eager to finally reunite in a few more days for Christmas.

After repeatedly asking Seth if it was okay, he shooed me upstairs into my room.

"I can't wait to give the kiddos the gifts Dean and I got for them!" Maddy squealed.

"You didn't have to get them anything." I sigh.

"That's like telling me not to breathe," She rolled her eyes. "It's not possible."

"I bet." I laughed.

"Backpacks? Check. Suitcases? Check. Phone? Check. Alright, we're good to go." Seth shut the front door behind us. We hopped in AJ and Punk's rental and headed to the airport.

Larry was curled up in Punks lap asleep. Seth was in the passenger seat giving the driver directions. AJ and I were excitedly talking about Christmas and gift ideas. Decided all of the girls would go shopping tomorrow.

"You should get another dog Harper, maybe another Kev." AJ smiled, scratching his ears.

"I honestly have been thinking about it. The kids love him, plus it'd be nice having a little furry friend." I look down at the small adorable dog on my lap.

"Well I can recommend a great shelter a few minutes from my house. That's where we got Larry." She offered. I agreed, it wouldn't hurt even if I went there to just look.

We got dropped off at the airport and checked in, eventually arriving at our gate. We had about an hour to spare before boarding, so Seth sat with the kids while the rest of us split up.

I got the snacks, Punk got the refreshments, and AJ, I don't know what she was doing.

We were all eating when she returned, carrying two big bags from the gift shop.

"That's why I don't give you my credit card." Punk pointed, making us all laugh.

"I got us all neck pillows! And face masks! Ooh and fuzzy socks!" She held up each item for us to look at.

"And I got the babies some cozy blankets!" She added.

"You sure it's for them or you?" I raised an eyebrow, watching as she wrapped the blanket around herself.

"I can share.." She shrugged.

When we boarded, Seth got the window seat, I had the aisle seat, and in the middle seat was my diaper bag and carry on. AJ, Punk, Larry and Kevin were across from us, settling in as well.

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