Volunteer Work

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"Alright that concludes today's practice guys! Ice up and hydrate, we're back at it tomorrow!" Seth clapped, and all the trainees began to leave.

"Wow look at you, so official." I laughed. "So did you have a good practice?"

"Great, they finally are able to lift each other up and suplex one another without breaking their necks." He smirked.

"How's my niece and nephew?" He cooed, peeking at Ethan and Hope in their stroller.

"Tired, I had to wake them up in order to pick you up." I explained. "I'm pretty hungry though, what about you?"

"I could go for some food. Lemme grab my shit." He ran into the locker room.

My phone buzzed with a text from Maddy.

Mads🤪: Look what Dean got me!!! Isn't he precioussssss???????

She attached a picture of a small little frenchie cuddling in the couch.

Harper: Awwww oh my god! He is adorable! 😍 I'm jealous!

Seeing that made me miss Pumpkin even more.

Seth and I got Taco Bell drive thru for lunch and I dropped him off at his parents house. He was still looking for an apartment for himself.

I drove back home and after putting the kids back to sleep, I began setting up what decorations I could. Figured Seth could do the heavier things another time.

I decided to take a little break and poured myself a glass of Belle Radici. Nikki gave me a sampler bottle of their unreleased flavor. It was damn good.

My phone buzzed just as I sat down on the couch.

AJ: Hey Harper! Haven't seen you or the kiddos in a long time, are you busy?

Harper: no, the kids are napping right now tho :) stop by and I'm sure they'll wake up soon!

AJ: Great , cause we're already outside.

As soon as I got that text the doorbell rang.

I opened the door and there stood AJ and Punk, holding Larry.

"Hey guys, come on in!" I smiled.

"The place is looking nice Harper, very cosy already." AJ commented, sitting on the couch. Larry ran around sniffing everything.

Punk walked in the kitchen and grabbed 2 Pepsi's.

"Stocked up just for you guys." I teased.

"I appreciate that." Punk winked.

"So the last time we spoke was when Seth got injured, tell us everything that's happened since then!" AJ demanded.

Throughout me telling them the recent events in my life, AJ cried happy tears about Maddy's pregnancy, Punk laughed when I said how I found out Cami was a lesbian, and when I kept saying I wasn't jealous.

They both knew I was. Hell, I knew I was too.

But would I ever admit that to anyone?

Hell no.

After AJ and Punk left a few hours later, I got a call from Seth saying he was bringing over a friend. I didn't understand that, but nonetheless, waited for him to show.

I was playing with the kids on the floor when he walked in. I recognized his friend to be Marek Brave, co owner with Seth of their wrestling school.

"It's nice to formally meet you, Harper." Marek smiled shaking my hand.

"You as well. Please sit, make yourself at home." I motioned to the couches.

"So Harper, Marek and I were talking when we came up with this crazy idea..it has to do with you.." Seth began. I gave him a crazy look.

"What do you mean by that?!" I exclaimed.

"Well, for drills and demonstration, we were wondering if you'd be interested in being our guinea pig." Marek further explained.

"For the trainees? Hell no, I'm not getting my neck snapped." I shook my head.

"No for me, silly," Seth pointed to himself. "You'd be someone I can demonstrate on so the trainees understand everything better."

"Oh..I guess that won't be too bad right?" I asked, and he nodded.

"So when would I start?" I looked between the two of them.

"Tomorrow." They said in unison.

"Oh, wow.." I widened my eyes. "Okay, I'll do it."

"Thank you!" They hugged me excitedly.

"Do I get paid?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No..think of it was volunteer work.." Seth suggested. "A good duty for our school! For me.."

We made eye contact as he spoke. I coughed and quickly looked away before it became awkward.

The next morning came by quickly, and I was woken up at 8am by Seth blowing my phone up. I changed into athletic clothes and got the kids ready before driving to the school.

Practice was just starting when I set Ethan and Hope in the playpen and joined everyone in the ring.

I introduced myself to the trainees, who said they were all star struck meeting me. Which was very surprising, I didn't think I was anyone special.

Seth and Marek had everyone do warm ups and stretches first. When it was time for the first drill, it was a quick pin move.

Seth led me over to the turnbuckle and picked me up, setting me on the top. He climbed infront of me and I tried not making eye contact with his..uhm. Pretty hard not too I'll tell you that.

He wrapped his arms around my torso and without warning, flipped us over so he was on top of me, pinning me. My legs were held down so tightly I couldn't kick out.

Seth helped me back up and then had the trainees try the move. We slid out of the ring and took a water break while Marek helped everyone else.

"You did good Harper." Seth nudged me playfully.

"Thanks for warning me about the flip." I grumbled.

"If I did, you would've been scared. Right?" He pointed out. I stayed quiet, knowing he was.

"So your welcome." He said smugly.

"Fuck off Rollins." I giggled.

I had fed the kids and bathed them, and just rocked Ethan to sleep, he's always been my night owl, and then I took an ice bath.

I was sore from training earlier, and had definitely forgotten how physically draining wrestling was.

After the bath, I changed into my pajamas and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a bottled water. I was about to head back upstairs when I heard a voice at the door.

"Harper! It's me Seth!" He shouted. I raised an eyebrow as I opened the door. He was out there with his parents, AJ, Punk and Larry.


"Uh, what is going on?" I said confused as hell.

"Well Thanksgiving is in a couple days, so we're all taking a road trip to Romans house! He's hosting!" Seth revealed.

"We are?" I questioned as everyone made their way inside.

"Yep, and if I have to go and see Hunter, then your coming too." Punk grumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets. AJ cuddled up to him, "Be the better person honey."

"Alright, so chop chop! We're leaving in a few hours!" Seth clapped his hands.

Florida here we come..

- - -
Thanksgiving is coming up, and the gang is getting together at Romans house! Also how will Punk act seeing Hunter and Vince for the first time in years?? 👀Who else is glad Seth is having a good time training?! Thanks for reading :) 💛

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