Taking The Train

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"Just, come in and sit down." I instructed, opening the door just enough for her to walk inside.

"Oh wow you have a beautiful home. I see all that wrestling is paying off." Margaret smiled.

She noticed the kids sitting in the kitchen.

"A-Are those yours?" She looked shocked.

"Yes. They're mine." I said, walking over and picking them both up.

"So..are you married too? Got a boyfriend?" She questioned.

"What's with the questions?! Why are you even here?" I exclaimed.

"I'm here because I have so much to apologize for, Harper. Your childhood wasn't the best, and it's my fault. I'm sorry. Truly sorry." She frowned. "But I'm willing to try and fix all of that. And I want to get to know my grandchildren." She motioned to the kids.

It's true. I didn't have the best childhood. I never mentioned my parents to anyone, it was too hard. My real father left when he found out my mom was pregnant with me, so my mother raised me alone.

She had some..odd jobs while I was growing up, to make sure she had enough money for us.  Those odd jobs caught up with her, and when I was 11, she had to leave town or go to jail. She obviously chose to leave town and that put me in the foster care system.

It was horrible. You either had the really bad people, or the too nice people. Both of them sucked. The day I turned 18 I ran. I never looked back, I left the dump of a town that used to be my home. And I haven't been back since. Wouldn't want to go back anyhow.

"You just show up out of the blue? After more than a decade?" I scoffed. "What's the real reason? Forget to pay your drug dealer or something?"

"Harper, don't say that. I quit a long time ago. After I left." She sighed.

"So your own kid begged you to quit forever, and you refused..but then you leave your kid and just magically quit?! Wow.." I growled.

"Harper, I'm sorry Alright! How many times are you gonna make me say it?!" She exclaimed.

"Until you actually mean it!" I yelled. "Just get out..get out of my house! Get out of my life! Don't come back!"

Margaret slowly got up and headed for the door. She looked back at me and frowned, before leaving.

As soon as the door shut, I cried. This wasn't what I needed. My deadbeat of a mother showing up right after my own boyfriend died. It was too much for me.

I dialed Maddy's number and was relieved when she answered. I told her I needed her to come. She was the only one who knew about everything. That I could actually talk too.

I was confused when she texted and said she was sending someone else to help me. I heard a car door slam and then feet pounding up the steps.

I looked out the window and saw Seth standing at the door.

I opened it, my eyes red and puffy.

Seth looked at me worriedly before coming inside and hugging me.

"What happened?" He wondered.

"M-My mom came.." I stuttered, before breaking down. It was mixture of everything that had happened in the past week.

"Shhh shhh shhh..I'm here, Harper. Let it out..I'm here.." He whispered, rubbing my hair.

I was lying against his chest, and I fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
I opened my eyes, hearing cartoons playing on the TV. It was noticeably darker outside, I assumed I'd been sleeping for a few hours now.

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