Only you | Smut

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Only you


„And that's why you should never put your hamster into a dishwasher."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at Jimin and if the other guy hadn't been shirtless right then, maybe he would have questioned why he was even dating him. At least there was one thing he never questioned about Jimin.

"Why the fuck would you even put it in there?"

"It had pissed itself! That's not something it can just scrub off in the sand bath... I think." He pulled his shirt over his head, before adjusting his hair.

"So anyways. Today was fun. I'd love to help out again."

"You better do. The girls went crazy over you and kept asking what your days were." Yoongi chuckled, placing a kiss on Jimin's cheek.

"Awwww I knew they love me."

"Don't flatter yourself. They are horny teenagers. Of course they like you."

"You know I'm one of those as well? Right?"

"Yeah but you're the kind I can stand. They are... something. Not sure what but certainly something." Jimin chuckled, slipping into his jeans jacket, finally done getting dressed.

"You done?"

"Yeah." Yoongi put on his shoes before standing up. "Let's go."

They left the locker-room, instantly spotting a couple of girls waiting for them to close up the café. Jimin recognized the girls he had been talking to first.

"Why are you all still here?" He smiled broadly, the girls glancing at Yoongi before answering.

"The best part of visiting this place is seeing casual clothing on the waiters by the end of the day." The girl was obviously checking Jimin out. Not that he did mind. He liked the attention too much to complain.

He was wearing ripped jeans, a white shirt and the jeans jacket he had put on earlier, letting it slightly slide of his shoulder.

"Well now you have seen us." Jimin winked. "Anyways we kind of have to hurry, so I hope you'll come visit us again, as soon as possible. And if any of you ever wants to have a threesome with two hot guys, ask him." He pointed at Yoongi who was sending him an unimpressed glare. "I'm always down for that kind of thing, but I'm not so sure if he is."

Jimin didn't get their reactions, since Yoongi simply pulled him along, quickly excusing himself.

"Well you had a lot of fun today, it seems." Yoongi stated matter of factly and Jimin grinned.

"Yeah. I mean I found out that your working, aside from that job, so of course I was hyped all day." The grin on Jimins lips made Yoongi's features soften.

"About that. So I have been kinda wanting to talk to you about this for some time now, but I wanted to make sure I'm stable when it comes to working and had some money at the side... I quit my job. I mean the one... you know which one. I felt bad, expecting you to stay only with me, while I was still sleeping with others. And you were really chill about it too. I mean the things that happened around the end weren't really because of sex, but because I was neglecting you. And I'm sorry about that." He took a deep breath and Jimin wanted to say something, but Yoongi was already back to talking.

"The night before your birthday. Oh god I still kind of feel like shit. Tae texted me that night, telling me about you being sick and really missing me. That night me and the other staff here were out drinking because I was officially taken here as a full time worker so I turned my phone off. When I read what Taehyung wrote that morning I felt so bad. I'm seriously sorry, that I've been such a bad boyfriend lately." Jimin's heart clenched at the sight of Yoongi being this distraught. It was the first time he had seen him like this.

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