Let's talk

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Let's talk


Jimin bit his lip nervously. He had no idea how Yoongi would react. Sure, usually Yoongi was someone who kept his cool in almost every situation, but Jimin had cheated on him. That wasn't a normal everyday scenario.

Slowly he lifted his hand and knocked, just to jump back the moment the door opened, as if Yoongi had spent the whole night waiting for Jimin to appear, he stepped out and pulled the boy into a hug. The younger felt another wave of guilt wash over him. He'd really fucked up, if he had thought this was something he could do to Yoongi who cared this much about him.

Sensing Jimin's hesitance, Yoongi leant leant back a worried expression adorning his face as he searched Jimin's eyes. "Everything alright?"

Jimin shook his head. He could feel his chest tightening, tears slowly blurring his vision at Yoongi's worried expression. He was scared. He was in love with Yoongi. No matter what shit he had done last night, he really did love him. Last night had simply been anxiety and old habits coming through.

This thing with Yoongi wasn't something he could stand losing just because he was insecure and fucking stupid.

With it plain obvious that something wasn't right Yoongi reached his hand out to help Jimin calm down, but Jimin shyed away. He didn't want Yoongi to comfort him. Not without knowing how much Jimin had fucked up.

"What happened?" Yoongi's voice was soft, his eyes continuously searching Jimin's face like he was hoping the truth would somehow be there, written all over it.

After gathering his thoughts for a couple of seconds, Jimin finally managed to force the truth out. "I did it again."

"What did you do?" Yoongi reached his hand out, but Jimin gestured him to stop again. Nodding slowly dropped his hand by his side again. "Can you tell me?" He almost seemed relieved that Jimin was finally willing to talk. Was finally there willing to speak about whatever had been bothering him.

"I got all drunk yesterday and kind of hooked up with Taehyung..."

Yoongi's eyes got darker but his posture stayed relaxed. Non-threatening. "Kind off?"

"We didn't sleep with each other... it was just a lot of making out and touching."

Yoongi pressed his lips into a thin line, his jaw clenched. He didn't seem too happy about it, but he was surprisingly relaxed considering what Jimin had just told him.

"Do you want to come in? Talk about yesterday?" Yoongi's was still somewhat strained, but for some reason it didn't seem like he was directing his anger at Jimin. More like he was generally pissed off about the situation.

"Please... Yoongi. I'm sorry." He really was. There was still no way for him to grasp how this happened. How he could fuck up this badly.

"Don't worry. It wasn't just your fault. I knew about how insecure you have been feeling lately, but I didn't talk to you, because I wanted to wait some more... that was stupid. Leaving all that aside, let's talk. I think we really need to."

Jimin felt as if a weight had been lifted off of him. Apparently Yoongi knew more than he did and he didn't seem on edge, like the whole situation could have a bad outlook. And that was comforting to him. After all he still trusted Yoongi. He had all this time. But just because he did trust Yoongi that didn't mean the other couldn't lose interest. That wasn't something one had control over.

Forcing himself to control his breathing, he followed Yoongi into the living they had spent so many nights in, cuddled up to each other watching netflix shows or talking about the meaning of life, or just telling stories.

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