I'm done with all of this

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I'm done with all of this


"Sorry... that was... terrible." Jimin who's breathing was still a bit heavy, furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as the other boy got up, rearranging his clothes and putting his boxers back on.

"What do you mean?" Jimin followed his movements not really sure what to do. Was he supposed to get up too?

"Exactly what I said. That was horrible. Have you never given a blowjob before? I'm surprised I even came."

Jimin had reached his breaking point. This was it. It's not that he didn't like sex or the idea behind it itself... rather he hated the fact, that he still was an inexperienced virgin. It wouldn't be that bad if his ex was the first time that had happened, but it wasn't just him. Jimins first kiss hadn't been better even the tiniest bit.

He had accidentally bit the girl's lip, earning a bunch of swearwords and that was it. She was gone. Nothing more happened. By now he was certain, that he just was bad at this type of stuff.

"So what are you going to do about it? Sulking is not going to change anything." Hoseok declared taking a sip from his drink. The other just shrugged his shoulders. What was he supposed to say? Hoseok was right, but what was he supposed to do.

"It's not like you will ever lose your virginity, speaking realistically, which means you can just give it up instead of grieving over it." The gaze Jimin sent towards could have killed.

Jimin rocked back and forth nervously while waiting for the loading screen to disappear. He wasn't sure whether he should actually do what he was planning. At on hand he was sure that just sleeping with a prostitute, wouldn't be the best move considering his pride, but on the other hand what pride at this point? Also who could give him better advice than someone who's job was having sex?

A couple of minutes later, with a lot of debating Jimin had decided that he would back out. It had been a stupid idea if he was being logical. He wasn't even that old for fucks sake. Why would he, just a bit older than 18 feel the need to contact a prostitute. Most of the guys in his class were virgins too. Nothing wrong with that.

The exact moment Jimin wanted to close the app, so he could swear at himself and the world in peace, a profile of a boy popped up and Jimin almost choked on his salvia. He had spent the last minute skipping through a couple of profiles on this app and there were some okay looking people, but this guy was exactly Jimin's type and seemed to be almost on another level compared to the others.

 He had spent the last minute skipping through a couple of profiles on this app and there were some okay looking people, but this guy was exactly Jimin's type and seemed to be almost on another level compared to the others

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Jimin had already typed out a message, without even thinking. The second he sent it he instantly regretted it, feeling like a complete idiot.

Sorry never mind... I didn't intent on messaging

He quickly threw his phone onto the bed just to flinching when it vibrated just seconds after. Jimin stared at his phone filled with dread. If it was the hot guy answering he did not want to read it. He had actually texted a prostitute a "hey".

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