The embarrassment of a bottom

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The embarassment of a bottom


"Okay and why are you telling me this again?"

"Because you asked."

"Oh yeah right." Taehyung glanced at the Coffee shop in front of them. "Why tho?"

"That's exactly my question. Why would Yoongi ask me to meet him at some random ass host café?" Jimin crossed his arms over his chest, once more glancing at the building in front of them. A bright building with the words 'Heaven cafe' written above the entry. They watched some girls walking towards it chuckling among themselves, before stepping inside.

"No idea. Maybe it's his thing or something like that."

"Yeah sure. Because he seems so very into hot girly looking dudes." Jimin muttered, pushing his hair back. There was a short silence in which Taehyung was looking at him with an raised eyebrow giving him the look.

"Oh shut up."

A wide boxy smile spread over Taehyung's face. "I didn't say anything."

"Your thoughts are too loud. I could clearly hear you." Jimin complained, hitting Taehyung's shoulder a bit harder than would have been necessary.

"My thoughts weren't lying tho. Smol, girly and hot. Don't you feel like that description does fit someone a little well?"

"Did you just fucking add a small?" Before Jimin could beat him up with his indeed small hands, Taehyung took off, waving him farewell.

"I'll hear from you later. Have fun at your date with Yoongi."

Sighing Jimin turned around heading for the entry of the unique café. The second he opened the door to the place, the sweet scent of brewed coffee floated his senses. It was nice. The last time he had been in a cafe was a while ago already. The place was okay. He wasn't that into decorations, but he had to admit that he liked the interior of the café. There were soft looking brown chairs, wooden walls with neon signs all over the place.

What did bother him though was that he didn't spot Yoongi anywhere. Instead there were a bunch of girls spread through the room, some shyly glancing at him, some bluntly staring, some whispering among themselves while others didn't seem to notice or care.

He did feel slightly uncomfortable as the only guy in the room aside from a decently attractive waiter, who was busy taking some orders. The guy's face was just a bit too round for Jimin's face, but aside from that he was pretty good looking. Tall, broad shoulders and eyes that seemed to radiate openness.

The waiter turned around noticing the way Jimin stood in the middle of the room rather indecisive. He made his way over to him. "Can I do anything for you?" Oh... cute dimples.

"No, I'm actually..."

"He's here for me Namjoon." Spinning around Jimin came face to face with Yoongi, who was...well... hot. At least that was Jimin's first thought, when he saw him. His hair newly blond hair was parted in the middle and he was wearing blue contact lenses. In addition a waiter's uniform was tightly fitted around his chest and shoulders, streching the fabric out in just the right ways. As if all of that wasn't enough, just as that, he was also wearing some soft make up, accentuating his eyes. Nothing heavy, but if Min Yoongi had small imperfections before they were nonexistent now for sure.

"Holy shit..." Jimin muttered awestruck by how amazing Yoongi looked, when he realized something. Yoongi was wearing a waiters uniform. "Wait... you work here? Since when...?"

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