Dark or white chocolate?

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Dark or white chocolate?


„Yooooongi you're here." Unlike one would have suspected it wasn't Jimin who screamed through the whole room before pulling the surprised boy into a hug.

"It's nice to see you Hobi." He chuckled, his eyes searching the room for Jimin. It didn't take long before he spotted the boy slowly moving towards him. He seemed as if all energy had been drained from him.

"What's wrong with Jimin?" He asked only earning a shrug. "Exam season. Everyone kinda alive and dead at the same time." He joked, before stepping back and making way for Jimin, who staggered towards Yoongi before dramatically falling into his direction. Yoongi caught him.

"No... energy... have to... disappear..." He gasped, closing his eyes as if he was close to fainting and lifting his hand up to his forehead. Yoongi couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Jimins behavior. Jimin grabbed his arm. "You have to avenge me." Now even Yoongi couldn't hold back a lazy smile.

Giving up his high class performance, Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi, hugging the older close. "It's nice seeing you here." There was a short silence, before Jimin quickly glanced around the classroom. "Looks like about half of the people here are jealous of me right now. That's good enough for now." He pulled out of Yoongi's arms again, smiling brightly.

Jimin seemed to be babbling trash.

"How was school?" He asked trying to hold a normal conversation with Jimin, who looked like he was about to fall asleep any second but at the same time had taken in a lot more than a healthy dose of caffeine.

"Horrible. A tragedy. A catastrophe. So how was your day?" Jimin giggling, going to his seat in order to pick up all of his stuff.

"Boring but fine. Why are you smiling like that if your day was that horrible?"

"Energy drinks and denial. I'm happy right now but that's just to distract me from the fact that I'm fucked..." He chuckled, his eyes screaming at Yoongi to end his suffering.

And although he wasn't sure whether he had the energy to deal with this Jimin, he smiled softly, before pulling Jimin into a kiss. "I missed you." He stated, running his fingers through Jimins slightly curled locks.

"It was just a week." And although he hid it, Yoongi could clearly see the glint in Jimins eyes at his statement. As strong as he tried to act from time to time, Yoongi loved seeing Jimins more vulnerable side. Simply because Jimin hardly ever showed it to anyone and it made Yoongi feel the strong urge to protect him from everything.

"Suga?" Both of them turned around, at the deep voice, before locking eyes with a smiling boy.

"Oh hey V. You go to this school as well?" Yoongi asked, pretty surprised at seeing a familiar face, here out of all places.

"Yeah I do... as well? Don't tell me you're a high schooler? You know anyone around here?" Tae furrowed his eyes looking at Jimin. "He's cute. Who is he?"

"He is. So this is my boyfriend, Jimin. I think I already mentioned him." Yoongi explained pecking Jimin's cheek, who scrunched his face at the light contact a soft whine leaving his lips.

"Oh so that's him. That was cute." V chuckled before eying Jimin from head to toe before furrowing his brows looking almost... disappointed. Jimin couldn't help but feel uncomfortable about it. V had just totally checked him out and what the hell was that expression supposed to mean?

"Eh... I kinda expected more." The new boy shrugged his shoulders now officially pissing Jimin off. Yeah this V guy was really attractive, but if he didn't think the same of Jimin wasn't there a nicer way to say it?

"It's not about what you expect. He's not for you. He's for me." Yoongi chuckled lowly, pulling Jimin closer. "And I'm pretty happy with what I have." Yoongi's words made him feel a bit better, but there were traces of that bad feeling left in his stomach.

Who was this guy to tell him he wasn't enough for Yoongi? He planned on asking later, but for now he settled on glaring. When he and V locked eyes V had the audacity to grin at him, showing of his boxy smile. The worst part was Jimin couldn't stop himself from thinking he looked hot like that. Jimin didn't like this guy. Not even one bit, but even he could tell there was something incredibly attractive about him.

"But he's cute. I bet playing with him would be fun." His smile turned more childlike and Jimin really wasn't sure what to make of it. The boys character seemed to change every couple of seconds.

"Well you won't find out. He's mine." Yoongi warned, still in a somewhat easygoing tone but Jimin could hear the seriousness lying underneath it. A pout. "Pity."

"Who the hell was that?" Jimin blurted out as soon as they left the building. Yoongi quirked an amused eyebrow at his sudden outburst. "I thought you were being unusually quiet. You don't like him, do you?"

"Of course I don't. He did kinda insult me, you know?" Jimin complained already getting worked up over the boy's behavior.

"It's... it's his character. I don't think he was trying to offend you." Yoongi looked up into the air. "He's a bit too blunt for his own good. Always says what he thinks. He has no problem with most people not liking him, tho."

Jimin pursed his lips, still sulking over what he had said. "He's bipolar af."

"That's not something you should use to describe someone." Yoongi warned, grabbing Jimin's hand and bringing it up to his mouth to peck it. "Don't let his behavior get to you. He's just a bit of an asshole at times, but I don't really think he meant that you didn't look good when he said he expected more. You should talk to him."

Jimin pressed his lips into a thin line. "I don't know. Maybe I will." He leant against Yoongi. He really was glad that he was able to talk to Yoongi about everything, without Yoongi getting angry at him, for being complicated. He knew that he could always tell him when something made him feel uncomfortable, no judgement involved.

"So how do you know him?" Jimin asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Job." Yoongi simply stated, turning on the engine of his car. Jimins interest was spiked right away.

"As in he is also a prostitute?" He interrogated further, making Yoongi sigh. Yoongi looked a bit hesitant for a second. As if he wasn't sure whether to tell the boy about it.

"No, I actually had a one night stand with him once. Afterwards he said he liked sex with me and he was willing to pay for it." There was no good in lying to Jimin or trying to make it sound more harmless.

"I see." Although he tried his best not to do so, he couldn't help but imagine Yoongi kissing this other guy. It looked hot. But it also made him uncomfortable. A thought made him ask another question.

"Is he top or bottom?" Sure, it was a stupid question but a mix of jealousy and curiosity, made him ask anyways.

"Switch. Just like you, but a lot more intense."

"Did you bottom with him?" Jimin couldn't help but ask, not really sure whether he wanted to hear the answer.

"Yeah I did."

Jimin still wasn't sure what to make out of all of this.


WE MADE 1 K!!!!

And I also have gotten a couple of likes~ YeS I SeE eVeRy SiNgLe oNE oF yOu *creeps*

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