Chapter Nine: This wasn't it..

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3rd POV:

It was nighttime when in a certain dorm with a scroll rang, the scroll belonged to Jaune Arc the leader of team JNPR, went his ringtone went off Jaune woke up and pick it up, it was a call from Ruby.

Jaune: "Hello?" He said as all he heard was distorted and scratchy sounds through it.

Jaune: "Ruby?" He asked.

(Morning (currently))

Pyrrah: "I'm sure they're fine." Pyrrah said as team JNPR were walking towards their airship for their mission.

Jaune: "You think?" He asked sounding concerned.

Nora: "Probably a butt-dial." She said skipping and being joyful as always.

Ren: "Don't worry Jaune, Team RWBY have always performed exceptionally out in the field, besides they have (Y/n) with them, and if there's anyone out there who can handle themselves better than anyone, it's him so let's just focus on our mission." He said trying to cheer up Jaune.

Nora: "Yup my brother is a powerhouse! And we're going to be deputies!" She said excited.

Jaune: "I just got this...Feeling. I-i don't know." He said.

Pyrrah: "Jaune-" before she could say anything else a syren suddenly went off in the distance in Vale as a huge smoke cloud was rising, suddenly a syren sounded from the school too.

Jaune: "We're changing our mission everyone onboard." He said sounding like a leader, everyone got onboard as he stopped Ren for a second.

Jaune: "Ren, we'll make it out to that village another time." He said as Ren smiled and nodded at him.

Jaune: "Take us into the city." He told the pilot as they took off.

In a distance, Cinder and her two henchmen, Emerald and Mercury, watching everything from Beacon.

Emerald: "You don't think...?" She asked not finishing.

Mercury: "Sure looks like it." He said.

Emerald: "That's still days away!" She said sounding like their plan fell apart.

Mercury: "So what do we do?" He asked as Cinder just remained silent and watched the smoke rising from the distance. Have their plan fallen apart?

(Meanwhile in Vale)

(Y/n) and the girls were surrounded by loads of Grimm, as they all had their weapons out and were ready to fight, the girls had expressions of worry and seriousness, (Y/n) on the other hand, had Point Break on his shoulder while he was trying to guess how much Grimm there was.

(Y/n): "Damn it!" He said frustrated.

Ruby: "What's wrong!?" Ruby asked.

(Y/n): "I thought there'd be more Grimm." He said sounding disappointed as the girls stared at him like he was crazy.

Yang: "Really!? That's what your worried about!? We could die right now!!" She shouted.

(Y/n): "There's worse ways to go, but anyways listen up, until help arrives we're all Vale has so our priority is containment, Ruby i want you on high ground, eyes on everything, call out patterns and strays." He ordered as she nodded and shot her Crescent Rose and flew to a ledge on a roof top near by.

(Y/n): "Yang, you and Blake have the perimeter, any Grimm that tries to get out of the area, you turn it back or you turn it to ash."  He said to them as they jumped off to their positions.

(Y/n): "Weiss, you can help them out too, you have to take care of the streets, use your ice and freeze them shut, nothing that's a Grimm gets out of here."  He told her.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now