Chapter Eight: To Catch A Train

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Ruby's POV:

We were right!!  Torchwick and the White Fang were here, unfortunately...I got caught by them and taken to Torchwick who was messing with me, in my defense I didn't have Crescent Rose to fight back.

Torchwick: "Wow! You are much more manageable without that oversized gardening tool of your's." He said walking toward me, as I got angry and charged at him, but he sidestepped and I fell.

Torchwick: "Oh man, you know Parry, I really did need this." He said laughing as he then sighed and walked up to me.

Torchwick: "But seriously...How'd you find this place Red?" He asked putting his cane under my chin to make me look at him, I then used my semblance to ran away, but suddenly I was pulled back and saw that Torchwick used his cane's handle as a hook and dragged me back to him.

Torchwick: "I see you got some trick up your sleeve, let me make this clear!
We're not through here yet." He said as his handle hook came back and connected into his cane, just then an explosive went off.

Torchwick: "Oh what the!? Perry can you and the boys go take care of that, I'm kind of in the middle of something." He said pointing at me as another explosion went off.

Torchwick: "Okay what is going on here!?" Torchwick yelled angrily as at a distance another explosion went off only to show some White Fang members running away from and shooting something on their tails, as I looked carefully I saw my team and Dr. Oobleck coming to rescue me! I quickly got up and jumped on his head and shoved his hat over his eyes to blind him while I jumped off and ran toward my team.

Torchwick: "Somebody please kill her!!" He shouted as suddenly I was being shot at as I kept running and in a zigzag to avoid being hit, as I ran I looked in front of me and saw White Fang members lined up to shoot me as I slid to stop myself but before they could shoot Yang shot an explosive round and they all went flying off.

(Y/n)'s POV:

Well it turns out we were right about the White Fang being here but I didn't care about them right now, I wanted to see my Rose pedal, if she was okay and unharmed, may the Gods help these bastards if they hurt her in anyway, Yang was equally as angry as me as we both beat anyone or anything that got in our way, suddenly some guy in a mach stood in front of us blocking our way.

Mech guy: "You Shall not-" we didn't let him finish as Yang jumped in front of him and  punched where the driver was multiple times with her semblance on, she then shot herself up in the air using her gauntlets, I quickly threw Point Break at the driver and just as planned, Point Break went through the mech and smashed the driver out, he fell out of the back as Yang blasted herself downward using her gauntlets and destroyed the Mech to pieces.

Yang: "Don't mess with Thunder Dragon!" She yelled as she flexed her bicep.

(Y/n): "I thought we were Electric Dragon?" I said making Point Break come to my hand.

Yang: "Eh, Thunder Dragon sounds more dangerous." She said as we continued running forward sudden we were in a huge opened tunnel as we looked to our left and saw Ruby running at us while White Fang members were right in front of her ready to open fire on her but my firecracker suddenly shot an explosive round at them and they went flying off.

Yang: "Ruby!!!" She yelled as Ruby jumped in for a hug.

Weiss: "Are you okay?" Weiss asked her.

Ruby: "I'm fine I'm fine! but listen, Torchwick's got all sorts of weapons and robots down here!" She explained as I walked in front to see the train it was long and huge,(Ha! that's What she said!)

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now