Chapter Four: I'm with you..

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(Y/n)'s POV:

After that day with Torchwick, I haven't slept good or even had much contact with my team, I try to avoid them and every time they try to speak to me, it ends with me walking away in silence, because I don't sleep, I've taken to training  all night long and lately I've seen Blake also doing the same thing, only she's always reading and looking stuff up about the white fang. Yang and her we're the ones most mad at me, they have the right to be, we don't talk or even eat lunch together.

Right now we were watching Pyrrah take on the team CRDL single-handly, Jaune sure is lucky to have her as his mentor, gotta love them redheads. As she finished up Goodwitch came up to end it.

Goodwitch: "Well done Ms.Nikos, you should have no problem qulifiying for the tournament." She said complementing her as I rolled my eyes, I was grouchy.

Pyrrah: "Thank you professor." She said respectfully.

Goodwitch: "Alright I know that's a tough act to follow but we have time for one more sparring match, any volunteers? Ms. Belladonna? You been rather docile for the past few classes why don't you-"

Mercury: "I'll do it!" That Mercury guy said.

Goodwitch: "Mercury is it? Very well let's find you an opponent." She said looking through her scroll.

Mercury: "Actually I want to fight...You!" He said as to someone while I had my head down.

Goodwitch: "Mr.Valkyrie!" She shouted as I perked up and looked at her, only to see that Murcury actually picked me.

(Y/n): "Oh um can I be excused." I asked as she nodded her head no.

Goodwitch: "I was going to have you and Ms. Belladonna fight, since you both have been quite docile in your classes, but you've been chosen,  now please come up here." She ordered as I jump down and walked to the ring with Mercury.

Mercury: "May the best man win." He said taking a battle stance as I looked annoyed and drew Point Break out, which is the only weapon I wanted to fight with for now.

(Y/n): "Your going to regret this." I said sternly. We stood there for a second in a stare down, till he charged at me and tried kicking me with his left leg, but suddenly he changed his attack and kicked me with his right leg on my face.

Mercury: "Oops sorry about that." He said as he smirked at me. That was what was triggering me nowadays, being smirked at. I quickly got up and threw Point Break at him, he did a matrix move blocking it from hitting him, I ran at him, he quickly recovered and tried to give me a high kick in the face but I slid under his kick and made Point Break come back to me but instead of it coming to my hand, I put my hand down and the hammer flew back hitting Mercury in his chest and knocking him down.

 I quickly got up and threw Point Break at him, he did a matrix move blocking it from hitting him, I ran at him, he quickly recovered and tried to give me a high kick in the face but I slid under his kick and made Point Break come back to me but i...

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(Y/n): "Oops sorry about that." I said smriking as I made Point Break come back to my hand, but he surprisingly got back up.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now